15 señales de que el universo quiere conectarte con alguien
Throughout our lives, we are constantly communicating with the Universe, with which we write the story of our lives together. It is a dance between …
Throughout our lives, we are constantly communicating with the Universe, with which we write the story of our lives together. It is a dance between …
Have you ever felt so calm and carefree when spending time with someone? There are many instances I have experienced when a certain friend entered …
El significado bíblico de las luces parpadeantes puede tener un gran impacto en tu vida. Algunos significados son más espirituales que otros, pero cada mensaje del otro lado...
¿Saben los muertos que les echamos de menos y les queremos? Cualquiera que haya pasado por un duelo y una pérdida ha contemplado esta pregunta, aunque no ...
Tired of having the same old coffee date, over and over again? Sure, the conversation can be lively and stimulating, but how memorable is it, …
Most religions and esoteric and mystical teachings know about magic and believe in it, although the magical practices are completely different. But, most of the …
¿Cuál es el significado espiritual del negro? La gente suele pensar que el negro es un color maligno, asociándolo con la muerte. Sin embargo, el simbolismo del negro encierra ...
Yoga is a holistic practice which overall promotes our physical and mental well-being. It came to be about 3000 years BCE, in ancient India. Firstly, …
¿Qué color de ojos tienen los Ángeles de la Tierra? ¿Son azules, marrones o de algún tono místico de otro mundo? Bueno, por lo que sabemos, los Ángeles de la Tierra ...
“The earth is a manifestation of divine energy.” – Scott Cunningham Duality of the Elements: The Essence of Life And a Force of Destruction There …
People all over the world celebrate June 21st. Everyone has different traditions and rituals they like to perform in order to welcome summer into their …