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7 Ways to Keep Faith During Difficult Times

7 Ways to Keep Faith During Difficult Times

Desafíos are a part of life, inevitable like cambiar.

But, sometimes, it’s hard to keep the faith when the going gets tough.

How do you find Dios with the world’s weight on your shoulders?

How do you embrace Su amor when fear and doubt cripple you?

Faith does not eliminate challenges. It may not even prevent them. But faith gives you the fuerza y resistencia you need to rise above and overcome adversity once and for all.

Here are 7 ways to keep the faith during trying times.

1. The Power of Prayer

Life gets hectic and we often forget to pray. It happens to everyone.

Though, we often come up with silly excuses – like not having enough time! But the truth is, you can have the most eventful day ever and still find five to ten minutes for prayer.

In fact, just five to ten minutes of prayer will make everything else easier.

Why? Because it calms the mind. It soothes the heart. It invigorates the spirit.

And, most importantly, it helps you find fuerza (and comfort) during hard times.

It’s how you connect to God and nourish that conexión divina.

And, more often than not, it’s how you find orientación to overcome challenges.

“God is only a prayer away.”

2. Face Your Challenges With Purpose


Do you feel like every challenge and obstacle you face is unfair?

You try your best to do good, to sea good, yet still endure hardship.

Well, the challenges you face aren’t necessarily bad. Not inherently, at least. Every challenge helps you discover your puntos fuertes y puntos débiles – and helps you grow.

That’s why it’s necessary to go through hardship with an voluntad de hierro y propósito.

Try to peer beyond the veil – beyond the current struggles.

Encuentre fuerza y motivación in the growth you stand to gain by pushing forward.

3. Hope Is Stronger Than Fear

Fear can be crippling. It’s this all-consuming, seemingly unconquerable entity.

Yet, fear is a house of glass. One stone – and it all comes crashing down.

En otras palabras, fear is an illusion. Which means that hope is stronger.

Hope is believing in yourself, in God, and trusting His Plan. It’s about focusing on favorable outcomes with confianza en sí mismo and having the inspiration to actuar.

All of that can be achieved with hope.

Hope is a solution-compelled energy that helps you problem-solve your way out of tricky situations and overcome challenges. And, more so, it helps you stay mentalidad positiva.

So, cling to hope and let it be your shield when fear and doubt come knocking.

4. Look To the People Around You

No matter what you’re going through right now – no estás solo.

Yes, God is always with you. But it’s not just God. It’s the people around you.

Your friends and family can provide soporte during challenging times.

So, don’t hesitate to turn to them and ask for help. Maybe you need love. Or maybe you need guidance. Either way, the people who love you can always lend a helping hand.

5. Embrace Kindness With All Your Heart

The world can be unfair, cruel, confusing, and evil.

When the odds are stacked against you, it’s important to embrace amabilidad.

Sure, it can be harder to find it, but your heart never lessens its glow. It’s just the clouds in the way. You can send them on their way with one little act of kindness and compassion.

But you may not feel up to it, especially if facing challenges.

But that’s exactamente why you should do it even more!

Kindness dispels negative energy and attracts vibraciones positivas.

It inspires esperanza tanto en tu interior como a tu alrededor.

6. Reflect Gratitude

No matter how bad things get, there’s always a un resquicio de esperanza.

You lose a job. Rough, sure. But that opens up an infinite amount of opportunities.

It’s all about staying positive-minded. And the best way to do that? Gratitud.

Gratitude is a spiritual shield. It reminds you of the good things in your life. And don’t trick yourself into believing that there aren’t any good things. Take a moment to think.

Count your blessings, from the food in your fridge to the ones who love you.

This increases your resiliencia and helps you reduce estrés y ansiedad.

It’s a one-way ticket to a life of felicidad y optimismo.

And, most importantly, fe.

7. Faith is Strength for Tough Times

Faith is meant to serve us during hard times and challenges.

It’s the one source of verdadera fuerza you can siempre tap into.

Few things are as spiritually potent as faith when facing hardship.

It guides you through the incertidumbre, paving the way forward.

It keeps you believing that there are better days ahead. And there are.

So, cling to faith when doubt clouds your mind and when you feel alone.

Remember its propósito so that you may always regain it.