How Does Mercury Affect Your Zodiac Sign?
Mercury is the messenger god in ancient Roman mythology. He’s presented as somewhat of a trickster deity. He’s the son of the fertility goddess Maia …
Mercury is the messenger god in ancient Roman mythology. He’s presented as somewhat of a trickster deity. He’s the son of the fertility goddess Maia …
Everyone knows that each zodiac sign is related to specific birth months. And each of the signs is connected to two different months. Astrology claims …
Yoga is a holistic practice which overall promotes our physical and mental well-being. It came to be about 3000 years BCE, in ancient India. Firstly, …
“The earth is a manifestation of divine energy.” – Scott Cunningham Duality of the Elements: The Essence of Life And a Force of Destruction There …
Romance brings color to our lives. Even if you have everything else working out for you, without love you’re sure to keep longing. Whether you …
Everyone has heard of The Blair Witch Project, the lovechild of the found footage and the supernatural horror genre. It’s often named the most – …
Guardian angels are always near. Their watchful eye is ever present around each one of us. Though, with us being physical and them being metaphysical …
Todos los que se interesan por la Astrología están familiarizados con el concepto de influencia planetaria. No sólo tenemos diferentes planetas que rigen diferentes ...
Are you often restless at night? Do you have to do a hundred little obsessive-compulsive things before being able to fall asleep? And, after all …
Toxic relationships are constantly discussed all over social media. It’s a relatively new term, which most of us associate with modern relationships. This is likely …