にしておこう。 アンゲリナム 宇宙の道を旅し、占星術が提供する永遠のスピリチュアルな宝を解き放つための羅針盤となる。
Mercury is the messenger god in ancient Roman mythology. He’s presented as somewhat of a trickster deity. He’s the son of the fertility goddess Maia …
Everyone knows that each zodiac sign is related to specific birth months. And each of the signs is connected to two different months. Astrology claims …
Just like according to the zodiac sign we can see how we behave in love, business, and relationship, we also can do the same thing …
Pregnancy is the beginning of creating a new life. So, your life is slowly preparing for great changes. Every pregnancy varies from woman to woman. …
Are you home bored and do not know what to do? You are scrolling through Netflix, trying to find a new movie to watch, yet …
“The earth is a manifestation of divine energy.” – Scott Cunningham Duality of the Elements: The Essence of Life And a Force of Destruction There …