
What Are the 7 Luckiest Zodiac Signs?

What Are the 7 Luckiest Zodiac Signs?

You often get your way?

The plans you make usually come through?

One way or another, bad times usually miss you?

Though it may seem like good luck simply happens to us by accident, there is a little more to it.

Certainly, there are instances where everyone has an occasional lucky day or a good thing happening for them out of nowhere.

But enjoying good fortune 一貫して may have a lot more to do with your own agency than you might think.

Perpetual Good Fortune Comes to Those with Specific Traits and Attitudes

Think about it. If your team gets in trouble at work, who’s more likely to get the short end of the stick? 

The person who frets and loses their cool, or the one who takes it easy and calmly handles themselves?

Who’s more likely to win the lottery? The person who makes an 努力 to play week after week or the person who gives up after not winning the first time?

You probably see where I’m going with this.

These 7 Zodiac Signs Have What It Takes to Make Their Own Luck

But, wait. does it take to have luck?

Well, let’s first take a look at these 7 zodiac signs and we’ll see.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21) 

The ruler of Sagittarius is ジュピター, the planet of 拡大 そして 豊富. This has a wholly positive impact on the people born under the sign of Sagittarius, in the form of a lucky mindset.

With abundance written for them in the stars, Sagittarians tend to be optimistic and bright individuals. With this attitude, they simply attract good things.

Being a Fire sign, these people are usually 情熱的 そして 目標指向 to a fault. They’re naturally determined and driven to success.

This sign is mutable, which speaks volumes about the ability of these people to adapt to whatever life throws at them.

Flexible and open to new things, they are good at navigating unforeseen situations.

Travel, education, キャリア そして 人間関係 are all considered to be lucky spheres of a Sagittarian’s life.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

The constellation of Leo is ruled by the Sun. This speaks of their inner vitality, エネルギー and natural inclination towards leadership.

Another Fire sign, Leo is rightfully represented as the King of Beasts. People born under this sign are known for their strong will and insistence on having things done their way.

Their natural charisma, star-written confidence and fiery passion are balanced out by their 寛容, 忠誠心 and childlike 興奮.

The luckiest spheres of a Leo’s life tend to be career success, creative endeavors, ロマンス and obtaining 身分.

Aries (March 21- April 19)

Yet another Fire sign, Aries is ruled by マルス. This planet is what gives them their signature 大胆, エネルギッシュ, 負けず嫌い 自然だ。

存在 The Ram, Aries is quite 衝動的. This can sometimes lead to good luck, though it is a double-edged sword.

However, people born under the sign of Aries also tend to be fearless, success-driven, protective and brave.

Aries is the first in the zodiac and, usually, dead set on being the first in real life.

Investing, 情熱的 romantic pursuits, 健康 そして creative work are commonly the lucky spheres of an Arian’s life.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Ruled by the planet 水銀, this sign is naturally blessed with great コミュニケーション skills, インテリジェンス and talent for negotiation.

They thrive when given the opportunity to experience new things. The natural adaptability and quick wit of those born under this sign kind of make them a repellent of bad luck.

Many Geminis make great entrepreneurs. They’re social butterflies, quick learners and lovers of travel and novelty.

彼らの 冒険的 spirit often takes them to where good fortune is.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20) 

The ruling planet of Pisces, Neptune, bears the meaning of 霊的意識, 直感, 同情 そして ない知恵.

All of these traits are deeply ingrained in a Pisces.

Though this Water sign doesn’t possess the fiery, bold nature of aforementioned zodiac signs, it has its own unique way of claiming luck.

People born under the sign of Pisces are often known for their exceptional 感情の深さ そして 忍耐

Instead of breaking down the wall to grab their luck, they’re more likely to listen to their inner voice to ガイド them to it.

The luck of Pisces resides in spiritual fulfillment, artistic accomplishments そして good instinct.

The lucky career paths for these empaths of the zodiac are those related to 人助け.

Libra (September 23 – October 22) 

Libra has the luck to be ruled by the planet ヴィーナス. The influence of this planet alone promises 繁栄, ハーモニー, ラグジュアリー そして .

For Libras, who have a deeply set need for balance and beauty, this influence proves very fortunate.

People born under this sign are naturally able to 速度を落とす and carefully weigh out their options. They’re often able to truly harmonize different aspects of their lives and achieve true 平和.

Thanks to their charming nature and strife towards perfection, they’re likely to be lucky in romantic relationships, social life and careers.

Not to mention, they’re blessed with the patience to wait for what’s really best for them.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21) 

Ruled by the planet マルス, Scorpio is blessed with the 強度 of a Fire sign, although its element is Water.

From their ruling planet, Scorpios get their unwavering 決定, 強さ そして パッション.

While, on the other hand, their ruling element grants them exceptional 感情の深さ そして desire to uncover and learn.

They are commonly lucky in romantic relationships unless they lose control of their negative emotions. 

Their star-written need for reaching their goals and getting to the bottom of things hides behind the talent for investigation

These traits also promise career and financial success.

These 5 Traits Hide Behind Good Fortune

In conclusion, there are five traits that the aforementioned 7 signs have in common.

Natural proneness to オプティミズム is one of them. A positive attitude simply attracts good luck.

The signs possess the 信頼 to make their own decisions and take calculated リスク.

エモーショナル・インテリジェンス grants the ability to wisely and patiently handle all sorts of difficult situations.

適応性 serves them to make the best of what they’ve been given to work with. 

And lastly, 決定 そして unapologetic refusal to give up is one of the ways these signs claim luck for themselves.

If You’re Able to Obtain These Habits and Mindsets Your Luck Will Improve


To some people, these behaviors and attitudes come naturally, while others have to consciously work on them.

Either way, whether they’re written in the stars for you or not, they’re more than obtainable.

If you have the will, you will get your luck too!