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Arte antiga na sua pele: 100 ideias de tatuagens tribais

Ancient Art On Your Skin: 100 Tribal Tattoo Ideas

The tribal tattoo style is one of the most interesting and popular tattoo designs today. 

Tribal tattoos represent património and belonging to a specific tribe, so they have been used ever since tribal communities started making tattoos on their members. 

This popular style usually uses solid black ink, which tattoo artists use to draw continuous black lines.

Today, there are different types of tribal tattoo designs, and some of them include:

  • Simple patterns
  • Large sizes
  • Bold, black lines
  • Geometric shapes
  • Repetitive figures

Also, modern tribal tattoos use other colors such as green, red, and blue.

The most popular symbols used in tribal tattoos are arrows, moon, sun, spirals, crosses, animals, etc. 

Here are the exemplos of the most popular designs of this beautifully inherited style.

Simple Patterns And Minimalistic Design

Simple design is a modern twist to a tribal tattoo style.

It wonderfully accentuates the lines and shapes while staying consistent with the tribal vibe. 

Artists usually add shading or some natural shapes if they want to add personality to the tattoo. 

Minimalistic style usually uses thinner lines and not a lot of elements.

It is probably the more elegante side of tribal tattoo style.

These tattoos are usually smaller in size and do not cover a lot of skin.

If they do, they are thin and elegant

Of course, there is always liberdade to add more shapes, colors, and dimensions to your tattoo according to your preference

Even though these tribal tattoos are not typical and they may seem too simple, they are equally breathtaking and beautiful.

Repetitive Figures

Tribal tattoos are famous for incorporating a lot of repetitive figures and patterns.

These are rooted in tradição and depending on what the figure was, it mostly represented protection, rebirth, and the cyclical nature of life.

Repetitive figures usually tell a story.

You can tell your own or use a myth you are drawn to. 

They look amazing wherever you place them as they are timeless and unique.

They also beautifully represent any motto or style you want to accentuate na sua vida.

Expression Of Identity

Tribal tattoos do not have to follow a certain rulebook or pattern.

You can make them as unique and diferente as you wish.

They are perfect for blending into other tattoos as their lines can extend and seamlessly ligar to any other lines you may have on your body.

These tattoos can be both big and small, bold or thin, traditional, or modern.

It is all up to you and your style.

Tribal tattoos can beautifully blend into other traditional tattoos, so there is no overlapping or something standing out too much.

Personalize them by integrating your favorite animals, shapes, or quotes.

Who says a back covered in tribal tattoos cannot look elegante?

It is important to stay criativo and to make your tattoos diversão.

Also, if you are someone who loves grande tattoos that will catch attention, your chest is a perfect place for one.

Artistic Approach

Tattoos are a form of art, so asking your tattoo artist to have an artistic approach when doing your tattoo will definitely guarantee a masterpiece!

You can use art motifs and integrate them into your tribal tattoo.

Shading is also a wonderful way to make your tribal tattoo feel more artistic and unique.

Add motifs from various religions, cultures, and myths

It will end up looking very poderoso.

Bold Black Lines

Bold lines in black ink are probably the most famous feature when we talk about tribal tattoos.

Some people love black ink and covering large areas with it.

Bold black lines look marvelous when you add padrões and different shapes para eles.

They usually look poderoso and add a bit of a escuro aura – but that is what we want, right?

From lower back to front to arms and legs – any placement will be an eye-catcher.

How cool does this hand tattoo look?

I think everyone would agree that it is unique and pretty!

Covering large areas may take a lot of time and patience but it is definitely worth it if this is the look you are going for. 

However, smaller versions are also quite magnificent!

Large In Size

As previously mentioned, large tattoos are no joke, especially with the tribal patterns and style.

However, if this is what you want and you have money and patience for, it can be a very powerful way to show your carácter.

Tribal tattoos that are large in size usually cover a whole leg, chest, or back area.

No entanto, half or full sleeves are also popular and look very cool!

Extending the tribal design to your neck is a wonderful way of extending the size and the patterns.

Also, extending the pattern to your chest looks very antigo and warrior-like.

Hands and calves are also good placements for these kinds of tattoos.

Geometric Shapes

Similar to repetitive patterns, geometric shapes are another popular theme for the tribal tattoo style.

De circles, triangles, and stars, to rectangles and spirals, all these are very popular in ancient drawings and still hold a lot of meaning. 

Geometric shapes represent a timeless appeal and look bonito no matter what your style is.

Also, these shapes may have cultural significado to you so try to integrate them into your tribal design.

Mix bold and thin lines for a beautiful and unique effect.

Shading also helps accentuate the lines and it makes them look almost 3D.