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Como é que Mercúrio afecta o seu signo do zodíaco?

How Does Mercury Affect Your Zodiac Sign?

Mercury is the messenger god in ancient Roman mythology.

He’s presented as somewhat of a trickster deity. He’s the son of the fertility goddess Maia and the god Jupiter.

Mercury relays messages between deities, as well as between gods and mortals.

He was revered as the patron of traders, commerce, messengers, travel and even thieves. He’s described as incredibly fast and clever.

Weather manipulation was one of his magical powers.

Three main festivals were devoted to Mercury worship in the ancient Rome: Mercuralia, Vinalia and Vestalia.

The Fastest Planet

Mercury is quite small, as it’s only slightly bigger than our Moon.

It’s the closest planet to the Sun, hence it’s the quickest to circle it. A year on Mercury lasts only 88 days.

NASA concluded there is no life on this planet.

It has no ring, but it does change color!

Around april, Mercury may appear to be orange or yellowish. However, its true color is gray.

Mercury in Astrology

In the natal chart, Mercury is responsible for communication and cleverness.

Depending on the zodiac sign it’s associated with, this planet affects the way we think, communicate, learn and make decisions.

Its planetary influence is felt in our day to day lives.

The positive impact of Mercury is reflected in us being adaptable, communicative and good at solving problems.

Its negative impact can cause misunderstandings, confusion and chaotic thoughts.

É por isso que Mercury retrograde is so popularly mentioned that it’s become a meme.

And given how fast it moves, it goes intro retrograde three to four times in one year.

Aries (March 21–April 19)

This planetary placement has it’s good and bad side.

On one hand, Aries is a highly energetic sign, witty and fun to talk to even without Mercury’s influence. The planet only makes their extroverted, fun-loving side shine brighter.

On the other hand, having this placement means tu mainly communicate like an Aries. Though luck.

It means everything from impulsiveness, impatience and down to tactlessness.

Your reactions may be too rash and aggressive even when it’s absolutely not called for. You start conflicts left and right, and you can easily become restless.

It’s recommended to work on your emotional intelligence and mindfulness.

That way you may minimize the negative side effects of this placement, and enjoy the quick wit and the spark it adds to your character.

Taurus (April 20–May 20)

This placement makes for a practical and easy-going communication.

Taureans are known to be stable, calm and sensual. They think practically, and value comfort, which also means evading unnecessary conflict.

As the planet which affects our intellectual side, Mercury awakens an even deeper appreciation of art and beauty in Taurus.

It also sharpens this sign’s focus on obtaining material possessions and financial security.

On the negative side, Taureans can be both lazy and epically stubborn.

This planetary placement could make you even more resistant to change. It could lead you to be indecisive and too protective of your comfort zone.

It’s recommended to practice self awareness and try to be as flexível as possible.

Gemini (May 21–June 21)

Gemini is ruled by Mercury.

This sign is already curious, clever and great at communication.

Additional planetary influence makes conversation with Geminis even more engaging and versitile.

It makes their intellectual curiosity insatiable, however, it might make it hard for a Gemini to focus on any one thing.

This sign is already infamous for their incapacidade de se comprometer to anything. They may overwhelm themselves with knew knowledge and experience, which could lead to pensar demais.

Both Gemini and the planet in question have a mischevious side to them. Mercury influence could potentially make a Gemini come off as dishonest and a gossip.

Lean into your incredible sense of humor to lighten your mind. Try to be atento and tackle only a few tasks at once.

Cancer (June 22–July 22)

Cancerians are highly empathic and nurturing. This planetary placement moves them to be great listeners.

São emotionally intelligent already. Joined with Mercury, they have the potential to be even more attuned with their and others’ emotions.

This placement makes your communication style soft and insightful.

O sense of belonging and community is even stronger with this planetary influence.

However, it could make you even more prone to moodiness and overthinking

If you’re not careful, you could easily be overwhelmed by your own sensitivity.

Try using your emotional intelligence to keep your negative thoughts in check.

Leo (July 23–August 22)

This placement means that your communication style is charismatic and enthusiastic.

Your energy draws people in and motivates them to follow you. 

Mercury could bring a Leo in you to be interested in pursuing artes. It emphasizes your authenticity.

But, as always with Leo, we come to talk about ego. This quick, mischevious planet could make you into a bit of a show-off.

This combination brings out arrogance and sensitivity to criticism.

Try to control your pride, and allow your honesty and charm to shine through.

Virgo (August 23–September 22)

Mercury in Virgo makes for a brain that reminds of a computer processor.

It’s analytical, detail-oriented, perfectionist and critical. It solves problems quickly and efficiently, and is highly logical.

That’s concerning thinking.

Comunicação is where the falhas of this placement come into view.

Virgo is critical as is, but under este planetary influence, criticism may evolve into scrutinization.

Try to be easy-going and patient with others and yourself.

Libra (September 23–October 23)

Mercury in Libra is an equally curious and challenging colocação.

This makes your approach to communication balanced and fair. 

Libra is analytical and likes to take their time making a decision. This planet placement could help them make up their mind quickly.

It makes them even more socially aware. It could potentially make them fearful of confrontation and focused on getting approval.

You’d likely benefit from practicing assertivenes and setting healthy fronteiras.

Scorpio (October 24–November 21)

Thinking like a Scorpio is somewhat of a blessing.

This sign is known for its unusual interests, deep and innovative ideas

This placement makes for an excellent communicator, because both the sign and the planet are characterized by sharp thinking and perceptiveness.

You’re likely great at research and solving mysteries!

Socrpio is intensely emotional and prone to pensar demais. In combination with Mercury, they could become untrusting and moody.

Desenvolvimento emotional intelligence and patience could help you balance out this placement.

Sagittarius (November 22–December 21)

We know Sagittarius to be philosophical and adventurous.

They’re diligent and intellectual thinkers even without external influences.

However, Mercury makes them even more passionate and driven to pursue knowlege. They’re even better at expressing themselves and passing on what they have learned.

If your natal chart has this placement, you’re likely an inspiration for others.

On the other hand, Sagittarians are impulsive, blunt and they find organization to be tedious.

The planet could worsen these traits and make them even less scrupulous and more disorganized.

Capricorn (December 22–January 19)

Mercury in Capricorn is a challenging placement, because the planet and the sign are at odds with each other.

An individual who has this combination in their natal chart is likely to be analytical, practical and structured.

This goes for their style of communication and their thinking.

Capricorn insists on perfectionism and pursuit as ever, though the planet could potentially stifle their creativity.

It could make you careful and calculated in your expression, which can prevent conflict, but can also stop you from taking beneficial risks.

Capricorn is just as much a perfeccionista as without any influence, though this placement brings in auto-dúvida and makes you even more closed off.

It’s recommended to seek creative inspiration and try being flexible.

Aquarius (January 20–February 18)

Thinking and communicating like an Aquarius is a blessing and a curse respecively.

This placement means you turly think out of the box, you’re creative and unconventional.

You’re logical, independent and great at solving problems. Also, you’re likely interested in the greater good.

However, Aquarian’s logic comes from their desprendimento from people and ideas. While this makes for a smooth business communication, emotional expression is sure to suffer.

This placement could hinder your close relationships because you might be perceived as cold and disinterested.

To prevent this, you may try to embrace your emotional side and try to express it more openly.

Pisces (February 19–March 20)

As the sonhador of the zodiac, Pisces influenced by Mercury develops an even dreamier thought process.

Their artistic side flourishes, their thinking and ideas are even more creative.

This placement makes for a highly spiritual person, so you might be prone to looking for spiritual signs and messages all around you.

You’re likely to be emotionally open and expressive. However, this placement makes it even harder for you to remain logical and stand your ground.

You might be easily influenced and overwhelmed emotionally.

You could use your natural intuição to make better decisions and to avoid unwanted external influence.