
Signs Your Friend Is An Angel In Disguise

Signs Your Friend Is An Angel In Disguise

Have you ever felt so calm and carefree when spending time with someone?

There are many instances I have experienced when a certain friend entered my life, and everything started becoming better.

他们的 能源 was so pleasant, their 建议 was always on point, and they 无私地 shared their knowledge, love, and compassion.

These people are usually seen as good friends, but some of them could be angels in disguise. There are several signs your friend could be an angel that is sent to protect you or guide you.

Here are several most common 迹象 to look for if you have a friend you simply feel is otherworldly.

1. Your Friend Feels When You Are Upset

Have you been in a situation where you suddenly feel upset悲哀 about something and your friend immediately calls you?

It seems like they know 正是 when to call as well, as you may be hitting rock bottom and they 突然 appear to comfort you.

This is a sign that your friend might be so connected to you that they are very aware of your emotions, even if you are not close to each other.

An angel who is looking out for you might appear in the form of a friend who is there right when you need them. 

Cherish your friends who are there to 舒适度 you, and who feel when you are sad, as they might be angels in disguise. 

2. They Always Seem Calm

There are people who always seem 纾缓 and there is a 镇定气场 surrounding them. These people are very pleasant to be around.

You may notice how they never get 气愤 or upset if things do not go their way. 

They simply accept it and move on, without creating 戏剧.

Even if you make a 出错 towards them, they tend to stay calm and open-minded, trying to 了解 你。

These are also signs that your friend is an angel who understands you and who wants to be around you in order to guide you and help you.

3. They Are Always There When You Need Them

If you get in trouble, they are the first person you call for help. If you are feeling down, they always say the words.

These friends always seem to 了解 you and they never judge who you are. 

They know how to support you and make you feel 更好, even if you do not know them that much.

Try to stay close to these friends as they are probably there for a divine reason – to make you feel happier.

4. They Are Changing The Way You Think

Having a challenging friend or someone who teaches you new ways of life can be quite turbulent.

But with these people, you will feel 喜爱支持 in the new way they teach.

They might teach you love and 仁慈 and how to be more understanding.

You will notice how you feel better after being with them and how easily you 了解 new perspectives.

This usually happens when we are in a state where we need to 复议 our life choices or how we used to view the world. 

这些 天使 are sent to us to challenge our views and make us more open-minded.

5. They Seem Wiser For Their Years

Have you ever been with someone who seems wise for their years? They seem to get life and go through it with such ease even if they are young.

This is a sign that their soul has been around for a long time before their body, and they might be an angel who is here to help people like you.

They have a lot of knowledge, a lot of experience, and they are wise and smart. Try to let them teach you their ways, even if they are younger than you. 

These friends should be 珍爱 because they are sent to you for a reason – try to understand which one.

6. You Can Talk To Them About Anything

When you are in the company of this friend, you feel like you can confide in them and you can tell them your deepest secrets.

They do not seem to judge and you know they always keep these secrets for themselves.

This means you have been awarded their company because you needed it the most, and they will never use it against you.

7. You Feel Good After Spending Time With Them

Sometimes, spending time with people can drain us and make us feel bad. This is when energy vampires come to play.

However, if you feel good when you are with your friend who makes you feel calmerfull of hope and life, it might mean this is your guardian angel who does not want you to give up.

8. You Have Energy When Around Them

Avoid people who make you feel tired or 毫无斗志. These are not your match and you will never succeed around them.

Try to stick to that friend who makes you feel alive again and who does not want to see you fail. 

9. You Feel Heard

Whenever you explain your problems to this person, they always 了解 you. They never judge.

It is so refreshing to tell your 感受 to someone and not to be judged or criticized

So many people love to offer their opinion on everything and it may be something that completely misses your point.

Your angel friend will always make you feel 听说 and respected, no matter the problem you share.

10. They Offer Great Advice

If you have an angel friend, they will always offer advice that is useful and supports you to make the right choice.

These friends usually tell us 正是 what we need to do and when we listen to them, we never regret it.

This friend may be your 守护天使 who wants you to make the right decision and direct you toward your true path.

11. They Do Not Talk Behind Our Back

We will never hear them talk bad about others to us, or about us to others.

These friends do not gossip, they simply offer their 意见 when asked.

Stay away from people who are heavy gossipers as they might be doing the same when you are around.

12. Their Soul Seems Out Of This World

You will simply feel an otherworldly aura around this person. You will know that they are not ordinary or fake. 

These people will make us feel loved, calm us, and let us be ourselves. They may challenge the way we see the world, but it will be done in a discreet and calm manner. 

Cherish your angel friends as they might be changing your mind and the way you live for the better.