The 6 of Swords as Feelings depicts a man rowing a beat, sailing for calmer waters.
Embracing endings and welcoming beginnings, the card symbolizes moving forward.
This resembles a choice you must make yourself. Letting go is never easy, even if it involves letting go of pain. However, making that decision is a testament to courage.
The Six of Swords tarot card meaning inspires you to seek harmony.
Drawn usually when you’re neck-deep in chaos and uncertainty, the guidance within acts as a compass, steering you toward a stable life. Nevertheless, the steps are yours to take.
Sometimes overcoming hardship is just a matter of changing your surroundings. Moving from one place to another, or removing things from your life, can reestablish tranquility.
The 6 of Swords as Feelings resembles the calm after the storm.
Even if you’re wondering about another person, the message remains similar.
Nevertheless, there are layers and nuances to every tarot card. Depending on the questions, the card’s meaning morphs to create a different, personalized message.
So, let’s examine the 6 of Swords as Feelings and dig into its spiritual essence.
What Does the 6 of Swords Mean?
What does the 6 of Swords as Feelings really tell you?
One thing is certain. It defines the start of a new chapter. You might not even have a plan, but the past no longer serves you. Most importantly, you’re not afraid of change anymore.
However, the lessons you take with you can define your future.
Courage is the power to let go of the familiar.
– Raymond Lindquist
The 6 of Swords as Feelings encourages self-reflection during the transition.
Reflect on your pains, hardships, and defeats. Each is a lesson in disguise. Maybe you’re going through a breakup. Either way, you write the next chapter in the story of your life.
There’s no changing the past. However, tomorrow is yet to be decided.
The Six of Swords tarot card meaning indicates that your future can be positive despite the pain you have endured in the past. Visualize what comes next and fight to acquire it.
As you persist, your wounds heal and harden into self-growth. You’re probably going to feel thankful for your hardships. With new knowledge and resolve, you grow limitless.
The only limitations you may stumble upon are the ones you impose on yourself.
So, free your spirit. Think big. Look back at how you survived hardship and the valuable self-knowledge you gained. Let it inspire you to stay focused on achieving your dreams.
The Six of Swords tarot card meaning can be interpreted in numerous ways, but the insight provided motivates you to leave behind the world which has harmed you too many times.
Be proud of yourself because good change is hard-fought.
However, if there’s someone on your mind, someone that you’re attracted to, the 6 of Swords as Feelings can show a glimpse into their world and enrich your awareness.
Therefore, let’s examine how the card’s position impacts its message.
The 6 of Swords as Feelings: Upright
The 6 of Swords as Feelings is a good sign. The person you’re thinking about is leaving the past behind them, looking forward, and making bold decisions to improve their life.
Despite this willingness, however, they might exercise more caution, careful not to disrupt the harmony restored. Because of that, they mainly focus on making a smooth transition.
Of course, it’s easier to get used to better situations and circumstances, but that doesn’t make it a one-day deal. It takes time for the echoes of pain and suffering to fade away.
The upright 6 of Swords as Feelings represents overcoming obstacles and challenges.
However, they suddenly find themselves in a place where they don’t have to fight against anything. Things are unfolding healthily at a natural pace. It’s smooth sailing from here.
This newfound stability may catch them off-guard since the struggle is all they’ve known for such an excruciatingly long time. Time is once again needed for clarity to be restored.
If you’re thinking about making the first move, take things slow.
The Six of Swords tarot card meaning predicts that the person you’re thinking about will actively safeguard their newfound peace. Give them time to get to know you adequately.
Patience is key in building bridges with people who had a rough go of things.
Nevertheless, the 6 of Swords as Feelings means they’re ready for something new.
They won’t be interested in casual encounters, though. So, make sure your intentions are in the right place. If you’re really interested in them, do it by the book and play it smart.
The last thing you want is to scare them away by coming on too strong.
The Six of Swords tarot card meaning predicts success and steady progress when drawn from within the mystical tarot deck in an upright position. What if it’s reversed, though?
The 6 of Swords reversed tells a very different story.
The 6 of Swords as Feelings: Reversed
The 6 of Swords reversed insinuates the opposite of everything mentioned thus far.
Still, there are nuances worth exploring. There’s no such thing as a bad tarot card, only guidance incorrectly interpreted. So, let’s dive into the heart of the reversed position.
The 6 of Swords reversed relates to a lack of progress.
The person you’re thinking about is fighting tooth and nail to change things. It’s just that things aren’t going their way. Their life is stagnant. Progress is either slow or impalpable.
Things still change, but not how they would want them to. It’s not that they’re not doing anything to turn things around. On the contrary, they go above and beyond to survive.
Nevertheless, the 6 of Swords reversed implies an inability to let go of the past.
The changes they’re making aren’t working. Maybe they’re too hesitant. Perhaps they’re afraid to take a leap of faith. Either way, they’re tiptoeing around making real decisions.
It’s like being stuck in a whirlpool and not swimming fast enough to get out but never completely giving up. So, it’s back and forth while they avoid changes and transitions.
The 6 of Swords reversed means they’re not facing their problems head-on.
They do enough to feel like they’re doing something about it, but the truth is, they’re waiting for their problems to dissipate on their own, which will never fully transpire.
What does this mean for you, though?
Until they’ve resolved their issues, the chances of establishing a connection are slim.
Yes, they may let you into their life, but only because they lack proper vision or seek to distract themselves with new people. Be mindful of this if you decide to approach them.
The 6 of Swords reversed needs to be taken seriously. If your heart is in the right place, the best thing you can do is to provide time and space and let them navigate their challenges.
The 6 of Swords in Love & Relationships
What message does the 6 of Swords in Love bring for couples?
If you’re currently in a relationship, this is a great sign. The 6 of Swords in Love means you’re ready to turn the page and take things to the next level, empowering your bond.
The 6 of Swords in Love can often be drawn from the tarot deck after leaving behind what no longer serves you. Because of that, fights and disagreements become less frequent.
You begin to see eye to eye, reaching a deeper level of understanding.
On top of that, you might have had a rough past. You may have contemplated leaving the relationship, but you stuck by them. Now, you finally bear the fruits of labor and devotion.
Plus, you get to take your lessons with you as you welcome changes in your relationship.
Therefore, the 6 of Swords in Love relates to stability and harmony.
Things are looking up, but you’ve only just had this breakthrough. Exercise caution and remain vigilant, focused on making the most of your connection and staying balanced.
You’ve done the heavy lifting, but now there’s another challenge on your path. Preserve that which you worked hard to manifest. Stay aware of the lessons you learned together.
Even though this is a great start for a new chapter in your relationship, the 6 of Swords reversed in Love spins a different tale. It points to struggles that need to be addressed.
When reversed, the 6 of Swords in Love indicates resistance to change.
Stuck in your ways, you would rather endure harsh circumstances than risk ruining what’s left of your relationship by trying something different or incorporating essential changes.
You can try all you want to resist it, but change comes either way – with or without you.
Failure to address the issues in your relationship eventually leads to its downfall.
Therefore, the reversed 6 of Swords in Love encourages you to triumph over fear. Make that daring step out of your comfort zone. Otherwise, things can get exponentially worse.
The 6 of Swords After a Breakup
It may not look that way, but the 6 of Swords as Feelings is a commonly drawn card after a breakup. It comes bearing crucial guidance for those who have experienced hardship.
What does it mean to draw the 6 of Swords as Feelings when your whole world is falling apart? Well, as always, it depends on the questions and the placement of the tarot card.
The Six of Swords tarot card meaning relates to endings and beginnings.
It’s a great card to draw after a breakup because it predicts growth. However, that growth is yours to cultivate. Reflect on what happened. Every hardship teaches valuable lessons.
The 6 of Swords in Love means you’re ready to move on.
You’ve suffered, but now that suffering leads to self-improvement. You’ve learned how to forgive. More importantly, you’ve learned to look after yourself despite facing letdowns.
Keep moving forward. Now is not the time to stop. You may feel like you’ve come a long way, and you have, but that progress can be undone if you stray off the enlightened path.
Therefore, the 6 of Swords in Love advises you to stay focused on your journey.
This is the beginning of a new chapter. You get to write it however you want.
Nevertheless, the Six of Swords tarot card meaning can come up reversed.
In that case, it may as well signify a Tower Moment.
After a breakup, the 6 of Swords reversed means you’re stuck in the past, reliving the high of your relationship, incapable of moving on and accepting that things have ended.
It’s not that you’re just reminiscing. You’re living there.
Therefore, the reversed 6 of Swords in Love pushes you to break free from these self-imposed chains. Carry your baggage if you have to, but deal with it one step at a time.
Maintain an open perspective to see the positive side and the lessons you stand to gain.
The 6 of Swords in Love encourages you to focus on yourself. The last thing you need right now is to reach your past love in a desperate attempt at hopeless reconciliation.
There might be a possibility of a reunion somewhere down the line – but not now.
You must reflect on your journey, learn from it, and change your life.
The 6 of Swords for Singles
For singles, the 6 of Swords as Feelings brings an optimistic message.
You might have had a few rough relationships previously, but you’ve grown from it, acquired the necessary lessons, and moved on. You’re ready to start a new chapter.
If you have a person in mind, the 6 of Swords as Feelings is a good sign.
Make the first move, but don’t skip pleasantries. Take it slow, one step at a time. You’ve come a long way. It would be foolish to jeopardize stability after all the hard work put in.
Despite the progress you’ve made, entering a relationship may disbalance you. Resolved emotions may surface again and disrupt harmony. Navigate your feelings with rationality.
The Six of Swords tarot card meaning encourages you to prioritize the future.
The past may resurface and cloud your judgment. It’s not a constant storm as before, but the pain may resurge in waves, pulling you down. Be mindful to keep the past in the past.
However, you’re ready, more than you’ve ever been, to meet new people and hopefully start a relationship. The lessons of the past will serve you well in the challenges ahead.
Nevertheless, the 6 of Swords reversed paints a darker picture.
You’re still clinging on to the past, incapable of moving on. You may enjoy memories of the past, but you might be trying to relive and recreate that which can’t be manifested.
Months and years can pass without improvement unless you do something about it.
Therefore, the Six of Swords tarot card meaning pushes you to leave the prison of your comfort zone and incorporate changes into your life. It’s time to embrace new horizons.
The 6 of Swords reversed suggests that you lack courage, but not that you can’t muster it. So, reach within. Unleash your inner potential and let fearlessness spur you into action.
The 6 of Swords in Career Readings
The 6 of Swords as Feelings relates to transitions.
If you’re asking about work, changes are afoot. You’re about to emerge stronger from your previous work-related hardships, embracing new horizons and new opportunities.
Keep an open mind as you explore your choices. There are many things you excel at, but don’t stretch yourself too thin. Stay focused. Channel your energy toward steady growth.
The Six of Swords tarot card meaning predicts a more peaceful period in your life.
You might have a job opportunity for something more relaxed. It may seem unnatural at first. Stress was an everyday part of life for you. This sense of harmony feels unfamiliar.
Nevertheless, now is the time to look ahead, plan forward, and embrace the future.
Your courage results in self-dependence. Little by little, you can rebuild your life and assert control. Things won’t change instantly, but you’re making meaningful progress.
Try to avoid taking up too much responsibility. You’ve earned some peace of mind.
However, the 6 of Swords reversed may imply a different message.
There is a need for change, but you’re resistant to it. You fear it. There’s something inside you preventing you from embracing transitions, even though you’re not happy or content.
Trapped by stress and anxiety, you’ve almost accepted it as an irrefutable reality.
You might have worked hard to change things, but your heart’s not in it. So, be open to receiving help from others. Now is the perfect time to welcome the blessings around you.
Look to those close to you to help you get your career back on track.
Most of all, the Six of Swords tarot card meaning encourages you to think bigger. You’re destined to achieve your dreams. Nothing is standing in your way. Take a leap of faith.
The Symbolism of the 6 of Swords
Tarot cards can send various messages, depending on how they are drawn, the questions asked, and other cards that come up. However, there’s another aspect worth considering.
The symbolism of a Swords card requires further study. Specifically, the art depicted on the card can shed further insight into how it conveys guidance and highlights meanings.
Card meanings are shaped and determined by the art on the card. Whether you’re asking about love and relationships or your career, let’s take a moment to read the symbolism.
• The ferryman: Often a symbol of spirituality and transition, the ferryman resembles a bridge between one place and another. More specifically, he is the harbinger of change.
• The woman and child: The passengers in the boat – a woman and a young child – can be interpreted in many ways. We see their backs turned on their past as they move onward.
• The swords: Piercing the boat’s floor, the six blades resemble the past, the hardships endured, and the lessons gained. Going from one place to another calls for reflection.
• The still and rippled water: On the one side, the water is calm. On the other, it’s disturbed. This ebb and flow signifies leaving trouble behind and establishing peace.
• The land: In the distance, we can perceive the ground toward which the ferryman steers his boat. This is a sign of new opportunities. The horizon widens to embrace new changes.
What do these symbols have in common?
The meaning of this Swords card can be interpreted to represent courage and the willingness to take a step forward in the face of fear, challenges, and uncertainty.
However, tarot cards synergize with each other. In a tarot reading, the Swords card gains potency or changes meaning in the presence of other cards. So, that’s worth exploring.
Let’s take a look at some of the possible, more nuanced combinations.
The 6 of Swords: Combinations
Whether upright or reversed, this Swords card shifts in the presence of other cards.
These energies can work together to boost one another or to change shape altogether.
The 6 of Swords might not be a Major Arcana card, but in the world of tarot, every card conveys crucial guidance, especially when empowered by other, just as powerful cards.
• The 6 of Swords and the King of Swords
Like the 6 of Swords, the King of Swords is a Minor Arcana card. Nevertheless, the power contained within can help you embrace change and set sail toward favorable horizons.
The King of Swords empowers you in multiple ways. For example, it provides clarity to see beyond the illusion of fear. It gives wind to your sails and propels you to take action.
The 6 of Swords as Feelings predicts changes and transitions. With the help of the King of Swords, they make a powerful pairing, cultivating proper decision-making and intellect.
In tarot, this Swords combination can be crucial in changing your life.
• The 6 of Swords and the Knight of Swords
Unlike the King of Swords, the Knight adds an element of unpredictability, diving headlong into uncertainty. This card is all about taking action and striving forward.
In its presence, the 6 of Swords as Feelings becomes invulnerable to fear.
Nevertheless, this combination demands caution. Yes, these tarot cards can help you create a better life, but they can lead to recklessness and impulsive decision-making.
So, proceed cautiously and use the best of both worlds to navigate any situation.
• The 6 of Swords and the Page of Swords
The Page of Swords is a curious, intellectual, and ambitious tarot card. It positively alters the 6 of Swords, removing fear and doubt. It awakens a dormant thirst for knowledge.
Therefore, when shown upright, this Swords combination can result in breakthroughs.
Taking that first step toward changing your life can revitalize you. However, try not to get overconfident. As this energy surges in, you must channel it wisely and stay cool-headed.
In this combination, the 6 of Swords as Feelings may completely alter your mindset.
• The 6 of Swords and the Ace of Swords
In a tarot reading, the 6 of Swords and the Ace of Swords intertwine their energies to create the symbolism of new beginnings, expanding your perspective and knowledge.
You may feel inspired to start over or try something new.
Either way, the 6 of Swords as Feelings becomes much more potent. Together, you may find it simpler to leave the past behind, embrace the future, and incorporate changes.
• The 6 of Swords and the 10 of Swords
No matter the situation, no one likes to draw the 10 of Swords.
The 10 of Swords represents endings, defeat, hardship, and even death. Drawing it in a tarot reading may hint at a difficult past. Nevertheless, there is crucial guidance within.
Due to its foreboding nature, the 6 of Swords as Feelings comes bearing potentially life-saving guidance. You have to move on. You have to press forward, despite the obstacles.
Release your pain, let go of the past, and embrace what tomorrow might bring.
In Conclusion
The 6 of Swords as Feelings encourages you to move forward.
You might have had a rough go of things as of late. Regardless, the future is yours to determine. Dwelling in the past does nothing to help you reclaim peace and harmony.
The situation doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter how dire the circumstances are. The only thing that matters is what you do next. Will you fight against adversity or flee instead?
The 6 of Swords as Feelings signifies new beginnings.
Still, it falls to you to take action and make changes. Even when things end, they can end gracefully and fuel your journey. Every failure is a lesson that can serve you in the future.

Painting and writing – these are two passions that I have been perfecting for a decade. I’m passionate about exploring the connections between the stars and numbers. Through insightful articles you can learn how these ancient practices can offer guidance, clarity, and self-discovery.
8 of Swords as Feelings - Angelynum
Tuesday 6th of February 2024
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