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7 of Swords as Feelings

7 of Swords as Feelings

The 7 of Swords as Feelings relates to lies, deception, and misinformation.

As a cunning card, it signifies a readiness to resort to mischievous behavior if it gets you what you want. It’s not that you stir up trouble. It’s that you stir up trouble ever so subtly.

The 7 of Swords as Feelings establishes the same symbolism for other people.

If you’re wondering about someone’s feelings, a similar message holds true. It revolves around deception. It hints at using trickery for unfair gain without adhering to honor.

The 7 of Swords as Feelings is a rule-breaker, venturing where others dare not tread.

Therefore, you’re urged to exercise caution if this tarot card is pulled from the tarot deck.

Regardless of its position, the card symbolizes dark and wicked acts committed without hesitation or care for others. Whether it’s you or someone else, proceed with vigilance.

So, let’s take a few moments to study the shadowy realm of the 7 of Swords as Feelings.

What Does the 7 of Swords Mean?

People spin lies and tall tales to avoid punishment and get what they want. Not everyone is a liar, but some people do so without hesitation or fear and regard of the consequences.

The Seven of Swords tarot card meaning signifies the presence of lies and deception in your day-to-day life. It may be someone else, or the card could identify you as the culprit.

Either way, reflecting on the people around you can help you find the source.

If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything.

Mark Twain

Someone in your life is pulling the strings to take advantage of other people. Because of that, your first goal should be identifying who that person is – even if that person is you.

What next? The Seven of Swords tarot card meaning encourages taking action.

You may want to be more careful if it’s someone close to you. They could betray you. Be careful who you trust. Don’t withhold it entirely, either. Just try to exercise more caution.

However, what if self-reflection reveals that you’re the one stirring up trouble?

In that case, the Seven of Swords tarot card meaning may urge you to take a step back and recognize the error of your ways. It may expand your perspective and cultivate honesty.

You may have had a rough life that forced you to disregard morality and ethical practices for survival. However, being more honest in your dealings can accomplish so much more.

Lies and deceit may provide temporary gain, but the cost is making enemies for life.

Is that the price you’re willing to pay?

The 7 of Swords as Feelings reminds you that there’s a way to find the light.

You can change and turn a new leaf. Despite the wrongdoings you’ve done in the past, you can write a different story, starting today. It’s doable, but the journey is full of trials.

Make a decision. Now is the time for change and self-improvement.

The 7 of Swords as Feelings: Upright

So, you’ve sat down for a tarot reading, eager to find out if someone you’ve taken an interest in reflects your curiosity. However, you’ve drawn the 7 of Swords as Feelings.

Whether upright or reversed, the 7 of Swords card is rarely a welcome guest.

What does it mean when you pull it in an upright position?

The upright 7 of Swords as Feelings depicts smoke and mirrors. Sensing your sharp wit and cunning nature, they feel tense in your presence, unsure of your genuine intentions.

Speaking of which, is your heart in the right place? Are you captivated by this person or the thought of manipulating them and getting what you want? In fact, both could be true.

The person you’re thinking about is not sure what to feel. Confused, they doubt your words and put up masks around you. There’s something about you that baffles them.

Despite this, there is a way to break through their walls and get closer to them.

As a trickster, you might be aware of this. The greater the challenge, the greater the thrill. Lies and deception may come naturally to you, helping you achieve your wildest goals.

However, the 7 of Swords as Feelings bears a hidden message, urging against such behavior. Think of the confidence you have and what it could achieve without deceit.

In love and relationship, honesty is the foundation. If you want this person to trust you, speak the truth even if you fear losing them. At least you will enjoy a clear conscience.

The Seven of Swords tarot card meaning relates to strategy and intelligence.

Channel your energies wisely if you want your relationship to last.

The 7 of Swords as Feelings: Reversed

The 7 of Swords reversed is just as thorny and slippery to navigate.

What does it mean when asking about someone’s feelings about you?

Well, it could mean several things. The 7 of Swords as Feelings can be an intricate, multi-layered card. Like its nature, interpreting it can be a disorganized, mazelike experience.

However, the 7 of Swords reversed may imply that you’re being used. You won’t notice it when a cunning trickster tries to lie and manipulate you. So, take the time to dwell on it.

Nevertheless, the 7 of Swords reversed can indicate that they’re tired of playing games.

Because of this, they may come forth and confess their wrongdoings. Taken aback by it, you won’t keep a cool head unless the cards prepare you. Pay attention to the guidance.

What happens next is yours to determine when they admit to their wrongdoings.

Do you forgive them or cast them aside? Do you give them a second chance?

Well, it depends on what lies they spun and the damage they did. A few white lies won’t destroy a relationship. But it’s not the same if they’ve had an affair or cheated on you.

Either way, the 7 of Swords reversed urges you to step back and regain clarity.

If they want to be honest from here on out, this could be the real start of something incredible. However, it takes so much effort to trust again after you’ve been betrayed.

There’s no changing the past. So, rely on your intuition to guide you. As previously stated, it comes down to how severe the damage is. Maybe there’s a way to make things better.

When reversed, the Seven of Swords tarot card meaning may be more hopeful, but the landscape is just as tricky to navigate. Proceed with caution. Safeguard your well-being.

The 7 of Swords in Love & Relationships

What does the 7 of Swords as Feelings mean in love and relationships?

Now, this is a tricky one. You won’t like it. No one would. The 7 of Swords in Love relates to betrayal and deceit. With that in mind, you can only hope it’s not as bad as it sounds.

However, the guidance contained within doesn’t specify who’s at fault. So, it could be your partner. Or it could be you. Either way, you’ll know as soon as the card is drawn.

The 7 of Swords in Love depicts a lack of truthfulness and honesty.

Someone’s spinning lies and making a fool out of the other. Sometimes it’s a two-way street. But what could be the reason behind it? Well, people lie for all sorts of reasons.

Maybe they’ve done something wrong and want to keep it from reaching the surface, willing to withstand the crushing weight of guilt until time lessens the pressure it gives.

Perhaps you’re the one who strayed and now do your best to maintain your innocence.

The 7 of Swords in Love may also manifest as a sign of poor communication.

If you’re not being honest or upfront with one another, you may begin to suspect that something is wrong. This isn’t just an overthinking mind at play. There’s a reason for it.

Therefore, the 7 of Swords in Love could be a sign to strengthen your communication.

If so, the message is not as dire and may improve your bond if you adhere to it.

However, the 7 of Swords reversed in Love paints a different picture.

When this tarot card is shown in a reversed position, it hints at the possibility of confession. One of you may admit to having made mistakes or been dishonest.

Either way, it could imply a positive step in the right direction. After a period of lies, deceit, and manipulation, honesty indicates better, more straightforward times ahead.

This is a great card to draw for struggling relationships on the verge of a breakup.

The 7 of Swords reversed shows the right path, but the secrets are yours to divulge. Until you make that decision, nothing changes. You remain intertwined with guilt and remorse.

The 7 of Swords After a Breakup

What guidance does the 7 of Swords in Love bring after a breakup?

For many people who tend to lie, deceive, and manipulate, a breakup can be a sobering experience. The crushing pain may compel them to change and seek alternative ways.

So, don’t blame yourself if your wrongdoings have led to this. Learn from it. If you take your lessons with you, it will have not been for naught. You emerge as a better person.

However, the 7 of Swords in Love may suggest your relationship wasn’t salvageable.

All the lies and the manipulation for personal gain left their mark and drove you away from one another. It doesn’t matter who’s to blame. You both are better off after this.

Focus on the lessons. This may lead to a turning point in your life.

There’s no escaping the consequences. No lie can remain bottled forever. Well, maybe it can, but it’s not simple. A person can live anything down, but guilt extends to the grave.

If there’s a glimmer of hope for reconciliation in your heart, extinguish it.

The 7 of Swords in Love indicates that the web of lies you’ve spun together makes a reunion impossible. Accept the crushing defeat, learn from it, and turn a new page.

If this makes you more open to radiating honesty and being upfront, the experience was worth it. It doesn’t matter who lied more. Forgive each other and focus on the lessons.

However, does the Seven of Swords tarot card meaning change when reversed?

After a breakup, the 7 of Swords reversed tells a different tale. How different, though? Does it mean you’re ready to get back together? Well, it means you’ve at least matured.

You have a long way to go, but you’re doing great and learning from your past behavior.

There’s a chance to start again, but your deceptive nature must be fully suppressed first.

The 7 of Swords for Singles

The dating world is full of people trying to use and deceive one another.

Drawing the 7 of Swords in Love is a sign to exercise caution. Trust is granted, not earned, but you must find a way to protect yourself and notice signs of deception.

The 7 of Swords in Love encourages you to be who you are.

You may find it easier to persuade others into liking you by spinning tales and wearing different masks, but that illusion eventually shatters. You can’t keep up the act forever.

Being honest will get you farther than any made-up lie about yourself.

Besides, lying takes confidence. You can achieve so much more if you channel that self-confidence more constructively. And to note, this encompasses more than just dating.

Nevertheless, the Seven of Swords tarot card meaning can reveal different guidance.

For example, it may mean that you’re the one who’s being deceived. Those who craft lies cunningly and strategize are hard to discern. Therefore, you’ve got to trust your intuition.

Intuition is like an inner compass that can help you discern right from wrong.

In lack of proper information, it reveals the way forward, dispelling lies and illusions.

However, the 7 of Swords reversed may vary in meaning.

Usually, this tarot card comes up reversed after suffering the consequences of lying or being betrayed. The guidance contained within shows a path toward self-improvement.

The lessons are up for grabs, and you mustn’t hesitate to acquire them.

For singles, the 7 of Swords reversed indicates the possibility of self-growth.

The 7 of Swords in Career Readings

What insight does the 7 of Swords as Feelings convey in the material world regarding your finances, your career, and your money? How does it alter your financial stability?

You’re likely ambitious and stop at nothing to get what you want.

However, this goes beyond hard work and dedication. You use any means necessary to achieve your goals, even if it implies manipulating others and resorting to corruption.

The 7 of Swords as Feelings indicates you don’t care about consequences.

Because of this, you can become successful at the expense of others. However, how you achieve it eventually becomes a burden, causing guilt and undoing your success entirely.

Therefore, the Seven of Swords tarot card meaning calls attention to your actions.

Try to avoid engaging in shady business endeavors or trying to get rich fast. Focus on creating a financially stable life that allows you to strive toward growth and knowledge.

On the other hand, the 7 of Swords reversed brings a warning.

You might be surrounded by people looking to take advantage of your power and position. Trust is a fickle thing, especially in the business world. Exercise more caution than usual.

The 7 of Swords reversed indicates deception, so you may want to keep your eyes open.

The Symbolism of the 7 of Swords

The Seven of Swords tarot card meaning can convey various meanings and messages.

However, the underlying symbolism depicted in the art can help you interpret it. All tarot cards have different symbols on their front. Taking a closer look may shed crucial insight.

Reverse or upright, the Seven of Swords tarot card meaning can provide potentially life-changing guidance. Pay attention to the symbolism on the card when doing a reading.

The man: Moving forward but glancing over his shoulder, the suspicious man is doing something sly and cunning, a sign of trickery as he tries to get away with ill-gained loot.

The walk: A closer look reveals that the man, potentially a thief, is tiptoeing away from the situation behind him. This suggests that he wants to escape without getting caught.

The tents: Behind him, tents can be observed, likely of military origin. Because of that, the act of stealing tells us that he is fearless and cold about the outcomes of his actions.

The five swords: However, the man is getting away with five blades out of seven total, which tells us he’s in a rush to slip away undetected, but sloppy to leave them behind.

The two swords: The final piece of the puzzle, the two swords will be the man’s undoing. This symbolizes consequences, especially when dealing with lies and theft.

What do these signs and symbols have in common? What pattern do they weave?

It’s about lying, cheating, and resorting to mischief to get what one wants. There are many meanings behind the 7 of Swords as Feelings, but it eventually comes down to deception.

If you feel like the source of lies in your life is you – address it. Use the guidance of the tarot cards to turn your life around, introduce necessary changes, and improve yourself.

This might not be a Major Arcana tarot card, but all cards can gain additional potency. How so? Every card interacts with other cards that come up during a tarot reading.

So, let’s take a moment to examine some of these combinations.

The 7 of Swords: Combinations

Combinations of tarot cards can change a reading completely. It doesn’t matter if you’re wondering about your career or relationships, the Seven of Swords can vary in potency.

The other cards that come up during a reading alter the tapestry.

We can’t examine every possible situation, but here are a few interesting ones:

• The 7 of Swords and the King of Swords

The 7 of Swords as Feelings and the King of Swords are stand-offish, contradicting one another and representing a clash of ideas. Because of that, the situation is very tricky.

On the one hand, the 7 of Swords as Feelings hints at an inner struggle between doing what’s right and resorting to lies and deception to manipulate others and assert control.

On the other hand, the King of Swords stands for reason, banishing illusions with mental clarity and encouraging clear thinking. This card can make you feel like you’re powerful.

However, they make a complex web of meanings when revealed next to one another.

Use the King’s intellect, planning, and decision-making to improve your strengths.

• The 7 of Swords and the 10 of Swords

The 10 of Swords resonates with pain, defeat, and death. However, it also deals with endings. So, this card may actually make the Seven of Swords seem more optimistic.

They usually hint at loss, betrayal, and heartache. Despite this, they open a path toward self-growth. Let go of the past and focus on the lessons. Let the experience enrich you.

Move forward by learning from your mistakes and hardships. Try not to repeat that which is ethically questionable. Arm yourself with truth as you start a new life chapter.

• The 7 of Swords and the 5 of Swords

If you’re going to make changes, now is the perfect time.

These cards are very similar. The weight of their meaning may crush you. So, gather your strength and courage. Set sail toward favorable horizons, empowered by what happened.

You might have been betrayed. Or maybe you’re the one who did the betraying. Either way, you must confront the negative emotions inside you and find a way to resolve them.

Accomplish that, and the 7 of Swords as Feelings may shine a brighter light.

• The 7 of Swords and the 4 of Swords

The 4 of Swords encourages rest and deep contemplation, which is favorable advice considering the doomed nature of the 7 of Swords as Feelings rooted in deception.

Step back from your work or your relationship to reevaluate your life.

Consider what you can change to improve things – and to improve yourself.

Focus on reestablishing peace of mind and harmony within to regain clarity.

• The 7 of Swords and the 3 of Swords

The 3 of Swords and the 7 of Swords as Feelings convey the symbolism of betrayal.

Heartbroken, you face a difficult chapter in your life. You must come to terms with what transpired and find a way to grow from it, despite the pain and suffering that haunts you.

Despite how world-ending this might seem, hardship eventually leads to self-growth.

It can be painful, but you must remind yourself to persevere and keep moving forward.

In Conclusion

The 7 of Swords as Feelings is a card crafted in the fire of lies and deception.

Whether you’re the one who deceives or the victim of manipulation, this tarot card can help you recover and encourage you to choose a more ethical and stable journey in life.

The 7 of Swords as Feelings urges you to recognize right from wrong.

Life is hard, and you may be tempted to deceive others to get what you want.

Nevertheless, honesty can accomplish much more. It guarantees a clear conscience.

Therefore, the 7 of Swords as Feelings can inspire you to change. Deep within, you already know that nothing good can come from lying. So, let the truth enrich your life.

SEVEN of swords as feelings

8 of Swords as Feelings - Angelynum

Tuesday 6th of February 2024

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