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Use The Law Of Attraction To Make Someone Love You

Use The Law Of Attraction To Make Someone Love You

Can we use the law of attraction to attract love? The short answer is – YES!

I have met many couples who shared their love stories with me, and once you get to know them, you realize that there was always one of them who wanted a partner exactly like their current one!

How can we use the law of attraction for love and make someone love us?

Law Of Attraction – How It Works

Many of us are familiar with the famous ‘law of attraction’.

It is a notion that we can attract anything we want in our lives – from wealth, opportunities, health, and relationships.

There are several rules that you need to follow though, and some of them include:

  • Being in tune with what you want: if you want to manifest a healthy lifestyle, you need to start with your food, moving more, meditating, etc.
  • Being specific about what you want: it is important to know exactly what you want in life, to know what truly makes you happy.
  • Being open to receiving what you want: you cannot attract a healthy relationship unless you are done with a toxic one.
  • Staying positive: negative energy may repulse positive outcomes. Have you ever met someone who was always negative and had a positive life? I do not think so.
  • Visualization: using your mind to picture your desired reality and attract it this way.
  • Trusting the Universe: Once you decide what you want and visualize it, you are supposed to relax and trust that the universe will do everything to make it happen.
  • Detachment: If you try to obsess over a certain desire, you may repulse it with this negative energy. A sense of urgency is never good, and you need to trust the universe’s timing. Also, you need to detach from the outcome and be fine even if it does or does not work. Trust the universe’s plan for you, and you may get even better things.

Use The Law Of Attraction To Make Someone Love You

After we got to know how the law of attraction works, now is the time to learn how to use it for love. So, here comes the most important question: Can we make someone love us? The short answer is – YES!

But there is a small catch. You can use the law of attraction to make anyone love you – but only if they are in the same vibrational alignment.

Why? Because someone needs to meet you at the same vibrational level in order to be in your ‘attraction realm‘.

You cannot attract rotten fruit if you are always visualizing healthy snacks and want a healthy lifestyle. I mean, you can and you will – but we know what you will do with it – you throw it in the trash!

We can attract the exact person we want who is vibrationally on the same level as us. Do you want a dark, handsome man, who is loving, caring, and successful?

Or perhaps, your ideal partner is a beautiful, gentle young woman who is confident and spiritual. Do you want to make them love you unconditionally? It is possible, and let’s see how:

1. Target Single People

If your desired person is someone who is taken, it is the first mistake you are making. Do not interfere with other people’s relationships as this may result in negativity and bad karma towards you.

Your desired partner is someone who is also looking for you – someone who has no other attachments. this will result in a true connection and love, rather than carrying burdens and energies from broken ties.

Imagine someone you would love to meet, someone free who will make your life better, not bring drama into it.

2. Be Very Specific About The Relationship You Want

It is important to visualize and think about specific details of your wanted relationship.

Ask yourself:

How does this person act when we are alone?
How do they dress?
Are they outgoing or introverted?
Do they love art, spirituality, and travel?
Are they humane?
How do they make me feel on a daily basis?

There are so many questions you can use and write down your answers. Use this whenever you want to remind yourself of what you want and get rid of everything that is not close to it.

This will help you attract persons who are vibrationally on the level you described – and that is who will love you and get along with you.

3. Practice Self-Love

This part is one of the most important ones. Have you ever heard about stories where a couple breaks up and one partner is left devastated? They cry all day and night and cannot accept it.

Slowly, they begin to come to terms with the breakup and they start healing. They start going out more, looking better, and loving themselves. After several months, their ex comes back and wants to reconcile.

I have seen many examples of this scenario and there is a perfect explanation behind it – self-love attracts!

Once you begin loving yourself, all your exes come back, your former crushes and you even attract new people into your life.

Try to practice it through meditation, hobbies, and alone time. You are the most important person in your life and try to cherish that relationship.

There are many examples of people who are gorgeous and attractive, but they are insecure and rarely have luck in love – whereas others may be ordinary people with a lot of self-esteem and they attract many healthy and good-looking partners.

When you love yourself, others will love you too.

4. Vibrational Alignment

In order to truly be in a perfect vibrational alignment with someone, you should also think about what you offer them. Work on your vibrations, and try to become the best version of yourself.

Also, do not change in order to attract someone, rather change your bad habits and negative personality traits.

Try to meditate, journal, do a lot of journaling, and write down what makes you the perfect partner for your perfect partner.

This will put you in a wonderful position vibrationally if someone you want is trying to manifest you as well. We need to know our worth before we seek true love because our partners will sense this energy and appreciate it even more.

Find someone who loves you for you and be their prized possession – just as you are to yourself.

5. Always Take Inspired Action

Taking inspired action is one of the final and most important parts of the law of attraction. It is what puts you in the right place and time for your manifestation to meet you.

You cannot try to manifest a partner who loves books and movies, but you are never in libraries and cinemas.

If your friends invite you for a book premiere – go! Inspired action will feel right and you will know something good will happen if you do it – we sometimes feel it in our gut!

Some people want to be healthier and skinnier and imagine themselves like this all the time, but they keep eating fast food, do not exercise, and rarely go for walks. If you see a coupon for a local gym membership, it might be a sign to take it.

These inspired actions make us closer to our goals and they let us explore more of the possibilities.

So, next time you are invited somewhere and you feel like you should go, it may be your sign that your desires are there waiting for you.