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Understanding Your Element: Earth Signs of the Zodiac

Understanding Your Element: Earth Signs of the Zodiac

“The earth is a manifestation of divine energy.”

– Scott Cunningham

Duality of the Elements: The Essence of Life And a Force of Destruction

There are four classical elements in nature: Water, Fire, Air and Earth.

Each has its place in astrology, spirituality, magic and healing practices.

Witchcraft recognizes Spirit as one of the elements, and together, they represent each end of the Pentagram.

While Spirit is abstract, the other four elements are very real. We depend on them, breathe them, drink them, grow food from them and stay warm thanks to them.

They are the four sustainers of life. And at the same time, the greatest hazards.

The elements transcend everything else in our world. They are eternal, they preserve and destroy.

And despite humanity’s best efforts, there’s little we can do to truly control them.

The Earth Element in Astrology

There are three signs of the zodiac connected to Earth: Virgo, Capricorn and Taurus.

From the creatures that represent them to their inner qualities, everything about these signs reminds us of earthly existence.

A goat, a bull and a human maiden. It doesn’t get any more earthy than that.

These are the grounded zodiac signs. They’re pragmatic, prone to planning and ambitious.

Much like their element, change doesn’t come easily or quickly to them.

They open up even harder, which leads to them often being characterized as emotionless or dry.

But they plan mean vacations and are wonderfully reliable.

Earth Sun Sign

If your Sun is an Earth sign, it’s the main sign in your natal chart. In other words, it is the very zodiac sign you were born under.

If this is the case, your Earth sign shapes a major part of your personality.

This likely makes you hardworking and organized. You don’t do things halfheartedly.

On the other hand, you tend to be a perfectionist, which can cause stress if things don’t go your way.

Earth Rising Sign

Your Rising sign shapes the way people perceive you. It requires the exact hour, date and place of your birth to be calculated.

Having an Earth sign as your Rising means that you are viewed as a responsible and reliable person.

You come off as loyal, helpful and persistent.

However, you may also be viewed as overly pragmatic and impassive.

Earth Moon Sign

Unlike the Rising sign, your Moon shows your inner, emotional being.

It’s also calculated by the time, date and place of your birth.

This placement means you are overall a stable, grounded person, who doesn’t enjoy change.

You are quite reserved when it comes to expressing your feelings, which can be challenging in romantic relationships.

Especially if you’re with a partner who requires words of affirmation or public display of affection.

On the other hand, you can provide peaceful stability and security to the relationship.

Earth’s Compatibility With the Other Elements

It’s fun to observe the way we behave around the people born under different elements. 

To a degree, it’s like observing the literal elements come into contact in nature.

The reactions that come from these collisions are usually quite similar.

Earth and Fire

When it comes to work, an Earth and a Fire sign make the team leaders.

Both have the drive, ambition and stubbornness to make their ideas into reality.

On the personal plane, however, this match is questionable.

When it comes to being friends and romantic partners, Fire signs expect fire, while you as an Earth sign seek trust, security and routine.

These are also the things you’re willing to provide, which makes Fire signs quite incompatible with you.

You could very easily fall into a loop of insecurity and pointless arguments.

Earth and Water

This is a match made in heaven!

Your specific sensibilities are perfectly matched, you look for the same things and can provide each other with everything you need.

In friendship, Water signs have the ability to bring out the best in Earth signs and vice versa. 

The first are loving and gentle, and the latter are goal-oriented and strong-minded.

In romance, you could create a harmonious balance of sensitivity and stability.

Earth and Air

Earth and Air signs have the potential to make fast friends.

Air signs may occasionally express the drive that Earth signs possess, which could help you bond.

Besides, you could easily teach an Air sign some stability.

However, when romance is concerned, it would take a lot of work to make it last.

It’s not impossible, of course. However, the Earth sign in the relationship could easily end up feeling insecure and unloved due to the Air sign’s breezy nature.

Earth and Earth

This could potentially be a harmonious match.

Two Earth signs could have a profound understanding of each other.

In friendship, it would be easy to fulfill each other’s emotional needs.

Concerning relationships, if your ambition is equally matched, you’d truly make a power couple.

The issue lies in romance. If neither is too expressive, your relationship could quickly start to feel stagnant.

It could likely work, but you’d both need to work on being more open.

Virgo: The Fixer of the Zodiac

Virgo is the mutable Earth sign.

Being that way, they’re the most open-minded among the Earth signs. 

They’re perfectionists and they like things done a certain way. However, they are also adaptable, which has earned them the title of the fixer.

Virgo is prone to criticizing, but they’re also good at finding solutions to make things better.

They make great trainers, curators, therapists and advisors.

When it comes to romance, they have strong values

Much like any Earth sign, they require devotion and stability in their relationships and provide the exact same in return.

If you mean to be compatible with them, respect their values, cherish your own, and don’t begrudge the criticism

Capricorn: The Father of the Zodiac

Capricorn is the cardinal Earth sign. 

This makes them driven, proactive and confident. Their recognizable stoicism and desire to provide earned them the title of the father.

It’s commonly said that Capricorns are money-hungry, though that’s a pretty one-dimensional view of this sign.

They’re simply ambitious. They’re victory-hungry, if anything.

Whether or not money is involved, they do their absolute best.

They’re perfectionists and, more often than not, quite introverted.

If you’d like to be with a Capricorn, support their ambition and provide them stability.

They’re not emotionally expressive, so you’ll have to learn to speak their love language.

Taurus: The Diva of the Zodiac

Taurus is the fixed Earth sign, which is where their immense stubbornness comes from.

Taurians like a particular type of stability – one that is found in luxury.

Though they’re usually criticized for it, as an Earth sign, they have the patience and determination to achieve anything they want.

Ruled by Venus, they enjoy beauty, art, perfumes, romance and good food.

Compared to the other Earth signs, they are quite sensual, thanks to Venus’ influence.

If you seek a healthy relationship with a Taurus, be honest, be loyal, and shower them with gifts and intimacy.

Bonus: Magical Practice Fit for Your Element

Would you like to live and practice in tune with your zodiac sign and element?

Here are a few spells and spiritual practices based around the element of Earth:

Grounding meditation. Try to stand up as you meditate. With your feet firmly planted on the ground, imagine that roots are growing out of them and reaching deep into the earth.

This can help you feel calm and balanced.

Abundance magic. This is an ancient earthly ritual, meant for promoting agricultural success. You can use it to fuel your own ambitions.

Write your intentions on a leaf (it’s best to use natural ingredients), and bury it in a hole in the ground. 

Repeat the intentions in your mind as you pour milk into the hole.

Earthing. This is the simplest ‘ritual’ of all. Simply walk barefoot and let nature’s energy flow through you.

Gardening is a wonderful way of connecting to the element of Earth, as well.