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5 Spiritual Senses: Exploring the Depths of Your Soul

5 Spiritual Senses: Exploring the Depths of Your Soul

You’ve heard about the 5 physical senses, right? We have hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting y touching.

To these 5 physical senses, we have corresponding spiritual senses. With your spiritual senses, you’ll be able to experience the spiritual realm.

By nurturing these senses you’ll enhance and strengthen your spirituality.

Maybe you already have a strong intuition about things you should or shouldn’t do. This is a gift that everyone possesses, but only some utilize its full potential.

How do these spiritual senses actually work in our daily lives though? 

1. The Sight – Clairvoyance

A lot of people see the reino espiritual the same way they the physical realm and some people ‘véase‘ the spiritual realm in their mind. 

Everything is still the same, apart from some divine aspects added, such as seeing an angel in the corner of your eye.

The sight also gives you an amazing perception. You are able to see others clearly for who they are

One way to practice your sight is by concentrating. Concentrate on yourself, be aware of your body and take deep breaths.

Then shift your awareness to others, pay attention to faces, textures and clothing. Let these images surround you.

If you have the sight you love one-on-one interactions where you can analyze people!

2. The Hearing – Clairaudience

The ones that possess the hearing sense are often drawn to the truth and they want to receive spiritual insights from a higher power. 

They can easily decode hidden meanings behind words and what was really said vs. what was heard.

In order to tap into your hearing sense you may begin by purposely concentrating on the sounds around you. You can even close your eyes.

Then, tune all that out and start listening to the noises within you, your heartbeat

Hearers love communicating through auditory mediums to access their emotions!

3. The Touch – Clairsentience

Many messages can be transmitted by touch.

If you think about giving blessings, for example, you touching someone’s hands o shoulder when giving blessings is a direct line from the divine, through you and unto the person being blessed.

With this gift, you are also able to sense emotions y peligro.

One way to practice this sense is by going to an antique shop or thrift store, with many old things inside. Pick an object and touch it.

Concentrate on the message that is being conveyed about the previous owner.

4. The Taste – Claircognizance


En spiritual taste is a bit different from physical taste in the sense that it doesn’t mean that food will make you more spiritual.

It means that when you open your heart up to the universe you will receive divine guidance. Once you taste this guidance you’ll find yourself wanting more.

You’ll want to taste more knowledge and wisdom, and in the end, you’ll want a whole feast!

One way you can taste knowledge is to sit in a secluded space, get rid of all distractions and bring a pen and paper with you.

Just calmly ask for guidance and remain concentrated. Let the words flow onto the paper. 

Tasting knowledge and wisdom is one way to get you hooked on your spiritual journey!

5. The Smell

En spiritual sense of smell is not so different from our regular sense of smell.

It serves to warn us about espíritus malignos, when you sense that a place reeks, it’s usually because there is an evil entity residing there.

Your sense of smell might not protect you from the evil spirits, but it definitely will warn you and in the most staggering way possible!

Last Words

These spiritual senses are usually conectado and their strength varies from person to person.

Honing these senses and practicing as much as you can, will lead to conciencia espiritual, crecimiento y un deeper connection between you and the divine.

If you want to go beyond the advice I have given you and deepen your sense even more, you can always try meditation, prayer and practice mindfulness!