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Guardian Guidance: Interpreting 15 Warning Signs from Angels

We all lead complicated and hectic lives. Sometimes we will enter a rut and won’t know how to get out of it, or we’ll meet someone who drains our energy.

In these situations, we need to lean on our guardians and take some divine advice!

Our guardian angels send us warning signs when things are about to go wild and they give us plenty of time to prepare.

However, in order to be able to prepare for these unfortunate situations, you need to learn to recognize the warning signs. It’s not like your guardian angel will text or call you!

Today we’ll be taking a look at some of the warning signs you need to look out for if you want to lead a protected and peaceful life!

1. Physical Warning Signs

From headaches to bellyaches, stop and think if they mean anything.

Maybe that headache stopped you from getting into your car to visit your mom, only to later on find out that there was a serious accident on the road you would take.

Maybe, that belly ache stopped you from going on a trip that would end badly.

These sudden inconveniences may have prevented something really bad from happening!

2. Hearing Voices


Don’t worry, you’re not crazy! Suddenly hearing a booming voice in your head is a direct warning sign.

This only happens when you’re in serious danger. Your guardian angel definitely won’t say ‘do buy that lottery ticket’.

I have had this happen to me once in my life, when I was a teenager, my friends and I went out one night and we wanted to go to a club we always go to.

But something told me not to go there that night and lo and behold, later that night we find out that someone pulled a knife on another person.

Good thing we didn’t go!

3. Intuition

Apart from straight out telling us to avoid something, angles can also send warning signs through our intuition.

Have you ever wanted to do something, but your gut told you to back out at the last second? Maybe you wanted to go somewhere or meet someone new, but backed out at the last second?

Only to find out that that place or person was dangerous, and you avoided getting harmed at the last second!

This is your sign to always listen to your intuition!

4. Dreams or Premonitions

Dreams are the easiest way our guardian angels communicate with us! When we are asleep, we’re much easier and more open to communicate with than when we’re awake.

You may dream about accidents or just downright bad things happening, and while this may cause anxiety it also prepares you for the future and you will be more cautious.

5. Technology Fails

I know that we all get really mad when our technology fails us, especially cars and laptops which most of us depend on for work!

But that car failing or your laptop spazzing before a big job interview may have saved your life. Maybe you avoided a big car crash on your way to work, or maybe that job was shady!

I have a friend who was late to her job interview a few years back and they said there aren’t any second chances.

Defeated, she went home and continued her search. A few months later, they were all arrested for fraud!

Next time, don’t be mad and instead thank your guardian angel from saving your life!

6. Losing Things

We have all experienced this, losing things around the house, especially when we’re late! It didn’t happen once that I couldn’t find my car or house keys!

While this may be tiring and frustrating, think about why it happens. Maybe your angels are stopping you from going somewhere where you’ll potentially be in danger.

Even though it may not look like it, they’re saving you from a bad situation!

7. Uncomfortable Feeling

You know that feeling when your stomach drops, or you just get that uneasy feeling in the pit of your stomach? Yeah, that one’s a warning sign as well.

Angles don’t always communicate in the clearest of ways, but having your stomach tingle in an uneasy way is their warning sign that something bad will happen.

This happens when you’re in a stressful situation the most. If you get this feeling, take a breather, you won’t miss a thing if you just breathe for a second.

8. Illness

If you wake up with sudden weird illnesses, this is a warning sign from your angel, especially if you’re a fairly healthy person without any health problems.

There are several accounts from family member of victims of 9/11 that have said that their loved ones experienced unexplainable illnesses that morning, like waking up with a severe case of vertigo.

There are survivors as well who were saved by these ‘unusual’ occurrences!

9. Warning Signs from Others

Apart from using our bodies and subconscious to warn us, guardian angels also use other people to convey their warning signs.

It doesn’t matter if it’s a loved one or a stranger, this message should be taken seriously. 

Don’t be headstrong and just listen, that warning could save your life in that moment!

10. Weird Days

We all have had days where we couldn’t even explain them. Everything goes wrong that day, from missing the bus, or your car breaking down, to not waking up on time.

All of these things may have saved you from something, maybe even from yourself! If you missed the green light by just a fraction of a second, maybe your angels are telling you to slow down!

11. Random Things Happening

These usually refer to small moments that you might even miss if you don’t look closely! Maybe you just exited the store when a robber went in!

Although these situations aren’t always this dramatic, they potentially save you from something bad happening!

12. Old Connections Resurface

If someone you haven’t talked to in years reaches out of the blue, it means that your guardian angel used this person to bring happiness into your life!

Maybe you’ve been struggling with feelings lately and they sent this person to cheer you up!

13. Advice from Strangers

Getting unsolicited advice from someone you don’t know can be really infuriating. I know I don’t like it!

But you need to stop and think about what they said and why they said it. It’s probably a guardian angel communicating through someone in physical proximity to you!

14. Divine Warning Signs

These are usually very short and very direct. We all have probably said at some point in our lives these exact words: Lord, give me a sign that I shouldn’t do this, and lightning strikes somewhere!

It can be a plethora of different things but this one is probably the most common!

15. Physical Sensations

Last but not least, physical sensations like a touch on the skin or a tingling in your body might be a warning sign from your guardian angel.

You might even feel a presence in the space around you! Don’t be alarmed, that’s just your guardian angel trying to comfort you, since they mostly do these types of things when you’re in deep sorrow.


In order to avoid life-threatening situations or just get some comfort, closely watch out for these warning signs!

Every sign is as important as the other, no matter how big or small it is.

Angels communicate with us in different ways and it’s important to listen to them!

Take your time in listening and watching out for any tiny sign your angels or the universe might send your way because it just might be something that changes your life forever!