
10 Things to Ask Your Parents Before It’s Too Late

10 Things to Ask Your Parents Before It’s Too Late

Isn’t it funny how little time we have, yet we strut through life like immortal deities?

We’re no masters of eternity, but it sure feels that way sometimes.

Until, one day, on an ordinary Tuesday afternoon, everything changes.

And the one that meant the world to you isn’t there anymore.

Just their belongings scattered around the home, frozen in time.

The Hard, Bitter Truth

Time is fleeting, and your parents won’t always be there.

Yes, it’s a bitter pill to swallow, but there’s no way to go around it.

And if your parents are still alive and healthy – 感恩.

Make every day count. Reach out to them. Spend time with them.

And, most importantly, get involved in their day-to-day lives.

Get to know them, too. Parents don’t share everything with their kids.

So, here are 10 things to ask your parents before it’s too late.

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1. What’s Your Favorite Childhood Memory?

Your parents have been around for a long, long time.

But how much do you know about their 童年, apart from seeing a few old photos?

Ask them to recount a few childhood memories and watch their faces light up with joy.

It’s impossible to pick one, so let them recount as many stories as they like.

Oh, and it’s best to ask these questions casually. It’s not a job interview.

Sit down with them and engage in open-ended conversation.

2. What Was It Like, Becoming a Parent?

Becoming a parent for the first time is always 改变生活的.

But it impacts people in different ways. It changes everything.

Suddenly, things are a hell lot more expensive.

And you’re not really sure what it means to be well-rested anymore.

It’s soul-draining, yes, and just as physically crushing. But 美丽 也是如此。

There’s no blueprint to follow. No way to describe it, either.

That’s why it’s best to hear it from the ones that gave you the gift of life.

3. What Are Your Biggest Regrets?

Everyone has regrets. There’s just no way around it.

We only have so much 时间能源 to pursue our dreams.

There’s bound to be something we miss out on.

And your parents likely have a few regrets they’d like to share.

Maybe it’s how much they worked and how little time they spent with you.

Or maybe they spent too much time partying in their 20s instead of chasing their dreams.

Either way, hearing their regrets can be a valuable 学习机会.

4. How Did You Know You Were Right for Each Other?

Love is a funny thing. It’s different for everyone.

Some mistake it for 激情, while others can easily tell when it’s right.

But how did your parents know they were perfect for each other?

Well, it likely won’t be a black-or-white answer.

You can learn the best lessons about love by asking your parents.

They’ll tell you it’s not easy. That it takes a lot of 工作. We often think we fall out of love when the honeymoon phase ends. Passion dwindles and that’s usually that – end of story.

But love is a 选择. A choice to stand together through thick and thin.

5. What’s the Key to a Happy Life?

Your parents have likely seen it all and done it all.

They’ve lived a long life and learned many valuable lessons.

So, they must surely know the key to happiness, right? Well, not necessarily.

No one knows the recipe for a happy life, not even your parents.

But they know what’s best for you and that goes a long way.

They wouldn’t lie to you, so it’s wise to listen to their advice.

They’ll teach you the ropes and put the wind in your sails, but everything else is up to you.

Still, there’s so much we can learn just by listening to our parents.

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6. What Was the Hardest Moment of Your Life?

Life is full of twists and turns. You never know what tomorrow might bring.

Your parents have probably endured so much 艰难困苦 over the years.

But they’re still around, unbroken. And they likely have many stories to share.

What kind of 挑战 did they face? And how did they overcome them?

Listen intently and let their experiences make your path a little easier to walk.

7. What Is Something You’ve Never Told Me?

You have secrets. Your parents have them, too. Everyone does.

And there’s likely a thing or two (or many, many more) your parents haven’t told you.

And they’ve probably forgotten about it as the years went by.

So, now’s the perfect time to ask this question. It’s a chance for them to come clean.

And you may learn something new about your family history.

It may very well change your perspective about the past.

8. Are You Proud of Me?

Yes, they are. Parents are always proud of their children. Well, good parents are, anyway.

But how? And what are they proud of? Make sure to ask follow-up questions.

They love you, and they’ll enjoy telling you why you’ve made them happy.

Maybe it’s that one competition you won when you were younger.

Or maybe it’s the way you don’t let the world crush you. Your 蔑视强度.

Either way, your parents admire you – and this is your chance to peel the layers back.

9. What Are You Grateful For?

感恩. If there’s a key to happiness, then this is it.

Being grateful for what you have is such an easy-to-do recipe for contentment.

Yet, we forget our 祝福. So, it’s good to remind ourselves now and then.

Ask your parents what they’re grateful for and listen closely.

They’ve seen a lot. They’ve been through a lot.

These things that make them happy mean more than you know.

Count your blessings together and cherish the so-called little things in life.

10. What Were 你的 Parents Like?

Most people love talking about their parents. And your parents do, too.

This is your chance to learn more about your grandparents – your family tree.

And it’s always an interesting topic to dive into. Things are different now.

ǞǞǞ generational gap makes for an exciting (and sometimes heated) exchange.

So, get to know your parents by asking about their parents.

There’s so much they’re dying to tell you – and you won’t always have the chance.

But, most importantly, make time for your parents.

Love them. Cherish them. And enjoy every moment.

They won’t always be there. Remind yourself of that every so often.

And let it encourage you to bridge the gap and treasure your bond.

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