7 of Wands as feelings can help you to resolve your relationships and love problems. 7 of Wands is a protective card, and many people are interested in its meaning.
Deciphering the meaning of tarot cards as feelings is quite important because it can help you make a better choice regarding your emotional status.
Tarot readings can be very helpful, and they can predict your future. It’s still important to stay open-minded. Tarot cards aren’t always correct, and you could get disappointed if you put a lot of faith in them.
Many people had too much faith in tarot readings and discovered that tarot cards could ruin their life.
So, before we explain the 7 of Wands as feelings, try to be realistic and analyze everything you hear thoroughly.
7 Of Wands Upright
If you want to discover the meaning of tarot card Seven of Wands, as feelings, you came to the right place.
This is one of those tarot cards that’s all about being ready to fight. If you’re wondering what this card says about you, keep reading.
It means you’re determined and brave. Your time to shine finally came, and you’re ready to face your biggest fears and challenges.
You will use everything as a weapon to realize your dreams. Your spirit is finally strong enough, and you’re unafraid of anything.
Another important part when understanding 7 of Wands as feelings are the attitude of others. This card doesn’t tell you your path of fighting will be easy.
It tells you that you will have to fight for your desires. People will try to stop you from getting what you want.
Some of them will be straight-forwards, and others will try to be sneaky and mean about it. If you feel that this card shows your current attitude, you must understand that people might disagree.
If you still want to do it, prepare yourself for many obstacles on your path. Be strong, persistent, and diligent.
Your victory shall come, but you must work hard for it. When you look at the card, you can see 7 wands. All of those wands could be considered a weapon.
Therefore, you have to understand that you will have to make a few backup plans. Maybe your methods won’t work. You might have to find more than 7 ways to fight everything that negatively affects you.
You also have to realize that every little detail matters. If you believe that this card speaks the truth about you, brace yourself. Understanding 7 of Wands as feelings will help you to become confident and determined.
7 Of Wands Reversed
7 of Wands as feelings can have different messages depending on how you look at the card. 7 of Wands reversed could affect your confidence and willingness to fight.
You already know that this card could predict challenging times, but if it’s reversed, you might have problems facing those challenges.
It’s time to do something life-changing, which won’t be easy. You have to use all of your strength and concentration.
But, 7 of Wands reversed could indicate fear of failure and lack of confidence. It’s normal to feel this way sometimes, but if you finally want to accomplish your goals, you must regain your strength and courage.
You can’t change your destiny but can accept it and do everything possible to create something good for yourself.
Everything in life is better when you’re confident and love yourself. Using tarot cards, astrology, numerology, and similar spiritual assistance, can empower you.
If you want to know more about reversed card meanings, look into the Chariot reversed card too.
7 Of Wands As Feelings In Love & Relationships
As you can see, 7 of Wands as feelings can be a bit confusing, depending on the position. If the card is upright, you will be ready for the battle of your life that could happen.
If card 7 of Wands is reversed, the fight will happen, but your strength and courage won’t be on the highest level.
Regarding the Seven of Wands as feelings in love and relationships, it’s important to distinguish between upright and reversed positions.
Love And Relationships
If you have someone special in your life, an upright Seven of Wands tarot card could mean that it’s time to make some rules.
It’s time to decide what will happen with your relationship. Don’t be afraid to show your true nature.
You and your partner should be on the same level, which should be a turning point in your relationship.
Also, upright Seven of Wands as feelings in love could mean that it’s time to stop caring about other people’s opinions. This is your life and your relationship. Don’t give others permission to get involved.
If you want to know more about the future of your relationship, but your 7 of Wands card is reversed, it’s time for some self-analysis.
You’re strong, but according to this card, some weaknesses affect your love life.
You care too much about something that’s not important. You’re doing too much for your relationship.
If card 7 of Wands is reversed, it’s time to take a step back and figure out if this relationship is something worthy or if you’re wasting your time and energy.
As you can see, both positions of this card will inspire you to decide about the future of your love life. It’s time to be realistic and choose something beneficial for you.
It’s time to do things that make you happy. You deserve peace and eternal love. Your feelings and the Seven of Wands card are on the same frequency. This is why it’s important to embrace this tarot card reading.
Single Life
People with significant others are usually more interested in tarot cards, but single people should also use tarot readings to get some insights about their future.
You will be surprised if you’re single and wondering what the Seven of Wands upright card means.
This card means that many great people like you will have many opportunities for a true connection in the near future.
If you’re wondering what 7 of wands reversed card means, you have to prepare for some self-work.
You could find true love and happiness, but you must open your heart and mind to new experiences. You tend to be too negative, and that’s problematic for new relationships.
Many people who recently ended their relationship want to know if was it the right thing to do and how the other person feels.
Even if the breakup wasn’t recent, it’s okay to wonder about this if the connection between you and your ex was strong.
If the Seven of Wands card is upright, it means your ex feels bad about everything that happened. He or she understands certain things now. If you still love your ex, there could be a chance to repair this relationship.
If the Seven of Wands tarot card is reversed, your ex thinks about you, but they’re not being realistic. They know what happened, but they’re still not ready to accept their responsibility for all this.
In the future, this could change, and you two could try to fix things, but everything would just turn into chaos for now.
If you feel like you could talk to your ex-partner and help them understand everything, you can always give it a shot.
7 Of Wands As Feelings – Career
Seven of Wands tarot card is significant for your career and job, not just for your love life and spiritual growth.
You’re a talented person with a lot of knowledge. You’ve created so many things, and you will create a lot more.
However, just like with everything else, you have to protect your hard work. Don’t let others control you and mislead you.
You will face some challenges and problems, but if you stay strong, you will see growth and progress. You deserve success, but it takes a lot of patience and sacrifice to be successful.
You will accomplish your professional goals, and you will be satisfied with your results. Once again, you will have to work hard and stay careful.
Every tarot card meaning is significant for your future. Once again, it may not be 100% true, but it can help you to focus on the most important things.
Tarot card meanings can be different depending on their position and the person. This is why it’s crucial to be open-minded when learning about love and tarot.
The meaning of the Seven of Wands tarot card will remind you that you’re worthy of love, hard work, and success.
You possess a lot of great skills, characteristics, and knowledge. For that reason, you should make an effort to create the life you’ve always wanted.
The Seven of Wands as feelings in love can improve your relationships and perspective in love. This card reading will motivate you to accept and nourish love in your life.
Tarot cards can be explored using different approaches. Make sure to learn what the 3 of Wands as feelings signify.

I always felt a strong connection to the Divine since my birth. As an author and mentor, my mission is to help others find love, happiness, and inner strength in the darkest of times.
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