Streghe e magia antica - L'uso dei cristalli
La maggior parte delle religioni e degli insegnamenti esoterici e mistici conosce la magia e ci crede, anche se le pratiche magiche sono completamente diverse. Ma la maggior parte delle ...
La maggior parte delle religioni e degli insegnamenti esoterici e mistici conosce la magia e ci crede, anche se le pratiche magiche sono completamente diverse. Ma la maggior parte delle ...
Tired of having the same old coffee date, over and over again? Sure, the conversation can be lively and stimulating, but how memorable is it, …
Throughout our lives, we are constantly communicating with the Universe, with which we write the story of our lives together. It is a dance between …
Romance brings color to our lives. Even if you have everything else working out for you, without love you’re sure to keep longing. Whether you …
Everyone has heard of The Blair Witch Project, the lovechild of the found footage and the supernatural horror genre. It’s often named the most – …
Have you ever felt so calm and carefree when spending time with someone? There are many instances I have experienced when a certain friend entered …
Since it is believed that the task of each individual is to harmonize the energy received, it is not uncommon for someone in this life …
We all lead complicated and hectic lives. Sometimes we will enter a rut and won’t know how to get out of it, or we’ll meet …
Although many superstitions are related to animals, ancient peoples have always considered that many animals have special meanings. Also, animals are often used as sacred …
Gli esempi di manifestazione sono un ottimo modo per aumentare la vostra fede e la vostra ispirazione. A volte ci si sente in trappola e a volte ci sono troppe informazioni. Per fortuna, molti ...