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15 segni che l'Universo vuole mettervi in contatto con qualcuno

Throughout our lives, we are constantly communicating with the Universe, with which we write the story of our lives together. It is a dance between what our ego wants and what we are meant to learn and have.

When people want to find love, the Universe will usually deliver it. The Universe pushes you to reach your goal, but we often ignore it.

Actually, the Universe is always trying to show you signs of the arrival of a soulmate, but the problem is that you don’t always pay attention.

There are no fireworks in the sky when you finally meet your soulmate. It is usually quiet. If you pay attention, you will know, but in a subtle way.

So, there are some signs that the Universe wants you to be with someone. 

1. There Is Not Anyone Else in Your Head

It must have happened to you at least once, or it is happening to you now, that there is no one in your head except that one person. This is completely normal, but there are also some legitimate reasons why this happens to you.

In fact, it could be a sign from the Universe.

So, consider this reason and pay attention to what the Universe tries to show you and why you do it.

2. You Feel Like You’ve Known Each Other All Your Life 


You are each other’s healthy breath of fresh air. If you notice that your interactions with this person are so natural that it feels like you have known each other for decades, even if you have just met.

It is a sign that you’re letting go. 

You connect with another soul that is worth your time and try.

3. Your Energies Coincide

When the Universe wants you to be with someone, there will be synchronicity and a flow of energy. Your values will align, your energies will be equilibrato, and there will still be plenty of space for growth.

4. You Often Dream About the Same Person

If you keep seeing the same person in your dream, your subconscious may be trying to tell you something. If you are dreaming about the same person all the time, take it as a segno and focus on it.

So, dreams are one of how the Universe tries to show you something – in this case that there is the right person for you.

5. You Meet the Same Person All the Time 

If you constantly meet the same person, pay attention. People don’t show up by chance in many of the places where you show up. There is a reason. 

Also, if you come across someone in places you go often, you already have some common themes.

6. Seeing Someone’s Name 

Vedere someone’s name in random places or listening to a song that reminds you of it – all of these can be signs of the arrival of a soulmate from the Universe.

7. Person Is Always in Your Thoughts

If you think about that one person and you can’t and don’t want to stop, then you need to ask yourself what is going on. 

So, focus on that because maybe the Universe is trying to show you something and is pushing you into something completely new.

8. You Feel Ready

One of the signs that the universe is trying to show you that you need to be with someone is that you feel ready for it. Therefore, if you suddenly feel ready after time and time, just follow your instincts.

9. Miss That Person

Because you think about this person all the time, you probably find it harder to focus on other things and tasks

Do you have the feeling that you are not present and that your thoughts are “flying”?

This is an obvious sign that you miss someone. 

Also, it means that you really care about that person and appreciate it. You need that person in your life because it makes you feel better and happier. That’s why you miss someone. 

10. You Feel Fulfilled

You both make each other felice and you are confortevole. In fact, you feel fulfilled and like you are at home with them. So, if you have a person like this, pay attention to the way that one looks at you.

Maybe it is a sign that the Universe wants you two together.

11. You Love the Way You Become With That Person

Maybe you will need some time to bring that conclusion, but it will come over time. By that time, you will notice that you love how you feel while you are with that person.

Also, if you notice that person positivamente acts on you and you start to love yourself more, it can be a sign from the Universe.

12. You Always Have Time for That Person

If someone is really important to you, you will always find time for that one. Therefore, if you catch yourself unconsciously always finding a way to be by that person’s side, Think about it carefully.

Maybe the Universe is forcing something and looking for a way to show you.

13. You Understand Each Other

The ability to understand their feelings and look at everything from their point of view is proof that there is a special connection between you. 

14. You Can Communicate Non-Verbally

Non-verbal communication doesn’t mean reading someone’s mind, or thoughts, or acting like a mentalist. It is understanding a person’s body language, facial expressions, maintaining eye contact, and gestures.

15. Angel Number Appearance

Angel numbers attract the attention of people all over the world, offering mysterious messages and guidance from the spirit world. 

If angel numbers often appear in your daily life, they may carry a special message from the University.