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7 Yoga Poses for Balancing the 7 Chakras

The 7 chakras are something we sentirepiuttosto che vedere. In Sanskrit, the word ‘chakra‘ means ‘spinning wheel‘, so we can say that chakras are swirls of energy in our bodies that we can’t exactly touch.

Each chakra is connected to a certain parte del corpo.

The Root chakra resides near your pelvis. Then the Sacral chakra is located just under your belly button, while the Solar Plexus is right around your abdomen.

Then we have the Heart chakra, which is located around your heart, while the Throat chakra is in your throat.

And lastly, we have the Third eye chakra which is situated between your eyebrows, right in the center of your forehead.

Keeping chakras aperto e libero can bring you emotional and physical health. But when they are blocked, it can bring on squilibri.

Why Should I Balance My Chakras?

Balancing your chakras brings many benefici. If we look at chakras as ‘spinning wheels’ they may resemble gears.

If one of these gears stops spinning, the whole thing is out of balance.

For example, if the ‘gear’ of your Heart chakra is moving freely, then you’re more open to giving and receiving love.

Now imagine if tutti of your chakras are balanced and aligned, you will feel more confident overall.

How Do I Balance My Chakras With Yoga?

1. Root Chakra – Tree Pose

Starting from the base, if your Root chakra is out of balance, chances are, all of the other chakras will be out of balance as well.

The Root chakra is responsible for your feelings of sopravvivenza and sense of sicurezza, so when it’s balanced you feel strong and secure.

Tree pose will help you feel more grounded, secure and stable.

How to: from standing, shift your weight to one foot and find balance. Next, bring your other foot either to your ankle, knee or inner thigh.

Straighten out your back and bring your hands to heart-center or point them up to the sky.

2. Sacral Chakra – Garland Pose

Since your Sacral chakra is connected to your creatività e fluidity, when it’s out of balance you feel unstable, guilty and you’re hard on yourself.

When it’s balanced you will feel creative and positive, basically go with the flow.

Garland pose will make you step out of your comfort zone.

How to: this pose is a very deep squat, so if you need help you may use blocks or rest your back on the wall for stability.

Next, place your feet hip-width apart, and squat slowly. Open your knees as wide as you can, and place your elbows there to keep them apart.

3. The Solar Plexus – Boat Pose

The Solar Plexus is the center of your forza e fiducia. So, when it’s out of balance you will have low self-esteem and no confidence and drive to do qualsiasi cosa.

But, when it è in balance, you are unstoppable and you are ready to take on the world.

Boat pose will help you build on your confidence and motivation.

How to: to get into this pose you will want to start from a seated position, straighten your back and lean back, lift your legs, either straight or on a 90° angle.

In order to stay in this pose, you need to engage your core.

4. Heart Chakra – Camel Pose

The Heart chakra is the one that connect your lower and upper chakras. Its purpose is to practice compassione, comprensione e accettazione.

When your Heart chakra is blocked you are cold, possessive and may end up in relazioni tossiche.

But when it’s balanced, you are open to giving e receiving love.

Camel pose will help you open your heart to the world.

How to: this one also starts from a seated position with your legs under you. Stand up on your knees, bend your back backward and reach for your ankles.

If you’re unable to reach your ankles, put your hands on your lower back. Push your hips a bit forward in order to avoid lower back pain. 

If you don’t do a lot of back-bending in your usual yoga flows, try a couple warm-up exercises before attempting this pose. 

5. Throat Chakra – Supported Shoulder Stand

You feel like you can’t speak your truth when your Throat chakra is blocked. But, when it’s balanced you communicate with others openly and your relationships are più sano

Supported shoulder stand will enhance your ability to speak the truth.

How to: approach this pose with caution and maybe even get someone to help you. If there’s no one around, use a wall for support. Lie on your back and rock your legs upward. Keep your hands on your back for support. 

And do position yourself so that the weight isn’t on your neck, but on your shoulders and arms.

6. Third Eye Chakra – Easy Pose

The Third eye chakra is connected to your intuizione, basically this is your sixth sense. 

When this chakra is balanced, you fidatevi del vostro istinto, but when it’s blocked you will be untrusting and close-minded.

When you take care of this chakra, you take care of the other 6 ones.

Easy pose is ideal for giving in to your intuition.

How to: another seated pose where you cross your ankles in front of you. Place your hands on your knees and straighten your back. Close your eyes and focus inward on your third eye. 


7. Crown Chakra – Savasana / Corpse Pose

The crown chakra, resides on the top of your head, the highest point of your body, connects you to the spiritual realm. 

This chakra helps you understand yourself and when it’s blocked you believe that happiness only comes from the outside. 

When you balance out this chakra you will be able to connect with tutto intorno a voi.

Savasana or the Final resting pose helps you feel at ease.

How to: for this pose, you may use blankets and maybe even pillows if you like. This pose is all about comfort and letting go.

Lay down on your back, palms facing up. Close your eyes and relax. Imagine all the tension leaving your body, from the crown of your head down to your toes. You may stay in this pose for as long as you like.

But when you’re ready to come up, start with small movements, wiggling your fingers and toes. Turn your head from side to side, and finally shift on your side and get up.

Other Benefits of Yoga

Yoga is one of the best ways to equilibrio out your chakras and boost your fisico e salute mentale.  Not only will you feel lighter and refreshed after a flow, but it benefits your well-being as well.

If you practice regularly, yoga helps you improve your strength, balance and flexibility.

It can also help you with back pain. I used to have upper back pain and bad posture overall, but since I started yoga my back is straighter and the pain is practically gone.

Overall, moving your body and investing in yourself will benefit you in the long run!