Infundir magia no verão: 7 Rituais para dar as boas-vindas à estação
People all over the world celebrate June 21st. Everyone has different traditions and rituals they like to perform in order to welcome summer into their …
People all over the world celebrate June 21st. Everyone has different traditions and rituals they like to perform in order to welcome summer into their …
Yoga is a holistic practice which overall promotes our physical and mental well-being. It came to be about 3000 years BCE, in ancient India. Firstly, …
Romance brings color to our lives. Even if you have everything else working out for you, without love you’re sure to keep longing. Whether you …
Are you looking for well-being and protection, or just need some good energy in your life? Some plants are not just plants, they also can …
Angel Numbers are angelic messages and their purpose is to help you make better choices. Angel Numbers came to you because the angels want you …
Marilyn Monroe said that diamonds are a woman’s best friend and they would never betray us. So, if we look a little closer, we can …
Most people are always anxious about their future. They want others to read cards for them, pay visits to local fortunetellers, etc. Why do you …
What is herb magick? It’s the practice of working with herbs and plants, of course! You can use plants in healing, eating, rituals, spells and …
Crystals exude real energy, which is why they are popularly used in modern technology and medicine. Specifically, quartz crystals (SiO2) are considered to be quite …
Self-love is not easy. As they say, you are your own biggest critic. We are programmed to have attacks of self-loathing, and for many of …