What are the 7 stages of shamanic initiation?
While the term is widely used, its meaning can vary extensively.
However, the 7 stages of shamanic initiation have solidified over the years.
Today, it’s a soul-enriching journey that alters the very course of your life.
But what does shamanic initiation imply precisely?
Here’s everything you need to know about shamanic initiation stages – and much more.
All You Need to Know About Shamanism
Before we explore the stages of shamanic initiation, there’s another question that demands thorough investigation, and it’s a straightforward question: what is shamanism, exactly?
Shamanism is as ancient as humanity, a spiritual practice encompassing various beliefs and rituals, often involving a practitioner – a shaman – who guides their community.
While every culture is unique, all shamans share a similar role and purpose.
What is that purpose, though? Shamans cross the veil between the physical and the spiritual, teaching how to reach into the spirit world and expand their self-awareness.
Shamans accomplish this through sacred and ancient rites, rituals, and practices.
However, the practices differ from one culture to the next.
Exploring them all takes you on a soul-lifting journey through shamanism.
We won’t do that here – but it’s crucial to set the groundwork for understanding.
Shamans often use shamanic stones and shaman symbols to reach higher energies.
Through practices like drumming, chanting, dancing, or ingesting hallucinogenic substances, they enter an elevated state of awareness, connecting with the spirit world.
What is the underlying meaning of shamanism, though?
How does crossing the veil and extracting divine wisdom help people?
Shamans can tap into the spirit world and harness guidance otherwise unobtainable.
They can lead people down a self-reflective path, expanding their self-knowledge.
More than that, they can heal and help people harmonize their inner energies.
Here’s a quick overview of what shamanism helps people achieve:
- Spiritual growth
- Balance and healing
- Increased self-awareness
- Insight and guidance
- Connection with nature
The list goes on, but we won’t get into the details.
With this in mind, how does one become a shaman?
How exactly does the shamanic journey begin?
How Does the Shamanic Journey Begin?
Everyone experiences the initiation into the shamanic journey in a unique way.
The shamanic journey often begins with a call that resonates throughout your being. You feel it inside you, transforming and reshaping your existence, urging you to step forward.
Like any spiritual journey, it’s a self-reflective path of growth and discovery.
Some people receive the calling through dreams and visions, providing a glimpse into the other side – the spirit world. Having seen across the veil, they embrace transformation.
Sometimes, a life-altering event can be the catalyst, inspiring you to broaden your horizons and seek meaning and purpose through spiritual practices – like shamanism.
When you recognize the call – that’s when the shamanic journey begins.
That’s when your soul begins to awaken to a reality beyond the one you’ve known.
However, the calling can easily elude you if you’re not attuned to your senses or absent from the present moment – distant from life. Now’s the time to pay attention to intuition.
Open your heart, mind, and soul to perceive the spiritual energy around you.
Practicing meditation and mindfulness can help you notice the call when it happens.
More than that, it can help you awaken your awareness of the spiritual realm.
But the question remains: what happens when you answer the call of shamanism?
How does it change your life? How do you know if you’ve got what it takes?
In other words, can anyone become a shaman?
Can Anyone Become a Shaman?
Although anyone can become a shaman in theory – not everyone is cut out for it.
Not to mention that, in some traditional cultures, becoming a shaman isn’t chosen by will.
The role of a shaman is either passed over or determined by spiritual forces.
However, in today’s contemporary society – it’s notably different.
The idea is more inclusive, suggesting anyone can commit to the shamanic path.
That being said, the journey is different for everyone.
Some people are more predisposed to cultivating shamanic gifts and abilities. However, developing these skills and becoming a shaman demands lots of training and practice.
It’s not something that can be achieved overnight.
Even then, some indigenous cultures emphasize the importance of cultural heritage, which shuts the door to outsiders. Becoming a shaman might not always be possible.
Nevertheless, you can still find inspiration and learn from them throughout your journey.
Either way, becoming a shaman is a continuous path of self-discovery and challenges.
Regardless of background, tremendous effort is needed to rise to the shamanic calling.
Before you make that choice – consider it thoroughly. Make sure you’re ready.
And if you are – here’s what you need to know about the 7 stages of shamanic initiation.
7 Stages of Shamanic Initiation
The 7 stages of shamanic initiation define a roadmap from awakening to fulfillment.
The path ahead is riddled with challenges that may take you to your very limits.
Despite this, each challenge you overcome takes you one step closer.
Little by little, you expand your perception and rise to a higher state of being.
Persistence is key. But even if you give up – you will not have lost anything. You will have gained. That’s because pursuing shamanism opens your soul to spiritual growth.
So, what’s the first stage? How does the journey begin?
1 • Embracing the Shamanic Path
As we’ve defined earlier, the journey begins with a calling.
When you notice and embrace it – you begin to change.
That’s when your life changes, and you start growing beyond your limitations.
You’ll know when it happens. It might come to you in a dream. You may have a vision while on your way to work. When it happens – it’s as clear as daylight what it means.
You can try to suppress it, but an inner urging beckons you to embrace the journey.
It’s something along the lines of a soul mission – one that you have to fulfill.
No matter what you do, it comes back to you, encouraging you to embrace it.
Let’s say you’ve observed and accepted your calling. What’s next?
Now, the journey into yourself begins as you rise to a heightened state of awareness, surpassing anything you have known before. Boundaries blur as you reshape them.
Embrace self-reflection and dive into your soul for answers. Explore your inner self.
Study your dreams because they may bear crucial revelations from the spirit world.
You may feel chosen, destined for something more. Let that feeling impassionate you.
The path ahead is filled with challenges. Be willing to face and overcome them.
Remember that you are being summoned for a higher purpose.
Don’t let your commitment waver as you navigate the ups and downs of a shaman’s path.
One piece of advice that can make a difference is seeking guidance and expanding your knowledge about shamanism. If possible, speak to shamans or mentors that can help.
This is a transformative, soul-changing journey, and you’ll need all the help you can get.
2 • Shedding the Old, Embracing the New
During the 2nd phase of the shamanic initiation process – it’s all about death and rebirth.
In other words, you work hard to break free and make room for a new you.
Now’s the time to fill your schedule with helpful, soul-enriching self-care and self-love practices, creating a vibrant health routine that complements your newfound growth.
The death isn’t literal. It’s symbolic. But change and transformation is well underway. And it can be challenging to maintain balance as you dismantle the ego and open your soul.
As you awaken, you’re encouraged to incorporate various spiritual practices into your day-to-day life, like meditation, yoga, mindfulness, and even shamanic practices.
The more you know about yourself and your inner workings, the better.
You may have to face your fears and let go of anything that no longer serves you, including the things you may not want to. Sacrifice is integral to becoming a shaman.
Focus on the wonders and joys before you as you unravel your true potential.
You may have to let go of your life as you know it and step into the unknown.
Things can get chaotic. You may regret your decision. But it’s crucial to stick to your guns.
Amidst the chaos, moments of doubt may arise, causing you to reconsider your decision.
So, recall the initial purpose and passion that propelled you on this path.
3 • Facing Challenges and Finding Support
What happens during the 3rd stage of shamanic initiation?
Does the path get easier or harder? Well, harder.
At this point, you have begun to channel innate gifts. The shamanic path has expanded your perspective and opened your eyes to help you navigate the spiritual landscape.
You still have a long way to go, but you’re getting there, one step at a time.
Things are changing everywhere around you – not just internally.
Relationships might deteriorate or break as you let go of your old version. That’s a price a shaman must pay as they embrace their calling to nourish their spiritual, creative soul.
Nevertheless, as you share your gifts with the world – new people enter your life. Your energy attracts spiritually open-minded and like-minded individuals seeking growth.
So, don’t be scared that you’ll be left alone. You won’t. It’s just your life changing.
Embrace these new relationships and let them enrich your shamanic experience.
Remember: every shaman is actively involved in helping others by sharing their gifts.
However, every shaman must also be open and receptive to receiving help and support.
Think of it as having a soul family with a shared purpose and meaning.
During the 3rd stage of shamanic imitation, it’s time to experiment with practices.
Take part and, if possible, lead these rituals and inspire the people around you.
What practices are best suitable at this stage? Well, most of them. You can try shamanic drumming, communicating with the spirit world, and accessing a higher dimension.
You may not get everything right initially, so staying persistent is crucial.
Learn from your mistakes as you step inside the vast world of shamanism.
4 • Unleashing Your Inner Shaman
The old self is no more. The new you evolved. And now you’re fully present.
The path doesn’t end here. It branches out instead. So, be ready for new obstacles.
Your energy and vibrations have altered and risen to a higher frequency. And you feel it within you. Now’s the time to step into your power and utilize your gifts to help others.
You no longer feel unsure about your decision. You find it easier to resist temptation or anything that might impede progress. And that’s crucial because there’s still a way to go.
More challenges may come, but not to help you discover your gifts. You already have. Each upcoming challenge serves to help you fine-tune your talents and vibrations.
They are designed to strengthen your spiritual skills and unleash your inner shaman.
Keep exploring yourself and unraveling layers of the soul.
Let your newfound purpose instill itself within your mind and provide a compass.
Stay focused on yourself, and let the discovered power push you forward.
Now’s the time to look back and find inspiration in the progress achieved. However, that should not deter you from pressing on and overcoming obstacles that hinder spirituality.
Explore your abilities to a greater extent by learning how to help others.
Learn to use your healing energy and share your guidance and wisdom freely.
Feel how the changes within you have filled you with love, purpose, and meaning.
5 • Fulfilling Your Shamanic Purpose
You’ve come a long way if you’ve made it to the 5th shamanic initiation stage.
In this stage, you transcend the confines of the physical world through awareness.
You may have already become a shaman – but there’s still some work to be done.
What work, precisely? What happens during the 5th stage of shamanic initiation?
Here, the focus shifts to a deeper study of shamanism and refining abilities so that you can cross the distance and enter the spiritual realm to harness wisdom and find higher truths.
You can now wield your power and control your abilities to an unprecedented level.
And you may have mastered a specific shamanic ability – like divination, for example.
Or you might have substantially elevated the efficiency of your healing practices.
Either way, now you can lead rituals and hold ceremonies to direct spiritual energy.
You know the ins and outs of shamanism. You can influence other people in previously unimaginable ways, helping them unlock their potential, transform, and find purpose.
You can manifest your soul mission and pursue more profound enlightenment freely.
But now that you’ve mastered it – what comes next?
Well, it’s like painting. First, you learn from the masters. Then, you find your path.
6 • Finding Your Own Path
When you master an ability – any ability – you start branching out.
Now’s the time to break free from confinement and champion a new vision.
Let your soul run free as it pursues unparalleled awakening and enlightenment.
Although shamanic traditions span thousands of years, now you can establish a more personalized and intuitive approach that aligns with your spiritual purpose and mission.
In other words, you can experiment and create a vibrant spiritual experience.
You’re free to delve into the unknown and expand the frontiers of shamanism.
Nevertheless, it’s crucial to uphold the traditions and the cultural heritage as you press on, surpassing your limitations. Find your path, but don’t sacrifice the core of shamanism.
After all, the history of shamanism is sacred for a good reason.
In the 6th stage, you’re more intuitive and connected with the spirit world and nature, able to communicate fluidly and uninterruptedly exchange information with the spiritual realm.
You’re also capable of adapting your practices to suit different people.
You understand your destiny – and you’re devoted to it.
Your self-directed approach to shamanism makes your teachings more efficient. You’re no longer rigid or bound by frameworks. You’ve found yourself and unleashed your potential.
But there’s another stage to go through – and that’s the final goal of a shaman.
So, what’s the last stage of shamanic initiation?
7 • Helping Others
Helping others – that’s what it’s all about.
Reflect on the challenges you faced and stay humble. Now, you’re a true shaman.
The 7th stage of shamanic imitation is an endless path of helping others.
You embrace your role as a healer, teacher, mentor, and guide, never forgetting the wisdom imparted to you. You now extend your knowledge and wisdom to support others.
Whenever you see a lost or waylaid soul – you extend a helping hand.
You inspire dormant souls. You illuminate paths for the lost.
You heal, support, teach, nourish, enlighten – and so much more.
Even now, you’re still devoted to self-discovery and self-improvement. However, you’ve come a long way, and the focus has slightly shifted from growth to helping the community.
Remember how it felt when you just began your spiritual path?
Many eager souls will come to you and remind you of your older self. Inspire them.
As a shaman, you have the responsibility and the fulfillment of impacting their lives.
Share your gifts, talents, and love with the world. Enrich it.
In Conclusion
The 7 stages of shamanic initiation take you on a transformative pilgrimage.
From the moment you hear the call, your life changes. Everything changes.
You transform through self-discovery and unlock your shamanic potential.
Little by little, you overcome challenges and fulfill your purpose and meaning.
Even if it doesn’t work out – you emerge bettered by the experience. You may go down another route, pursuing the work of a holistic practitioner and applying what you learned.
Either way, you only stand to gain by navigating the 7 stages of shamanic initiation.

Painting and writing – these are two passions that I have been perfecting for a decade. I’m passionate about exploring the connections between the stars and numbers. Through insightful articles you can learn how these ancient practices can offer guidance, clarity, and self-discovery.